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At Rey and Rose's Apartment...

Rey and Ben entered her apartment to find Finn and Rose half naked on the couch.

As Finn got up and get dressed as Rose do the same getting dressed as he greeted Rey "Hey."

"Hey." Rey said greeted him back.

"Hi, you must be Rey." Finn said as he and Rey shook hands.

"You must be Finn." Rey said to him.

"So awesome to meet you, Rose's told me so much about you." Finn said excitedly as Rey chuckled.

"Finn, find your shoes. Some of us have work to do." Ben said in a serious tone.

"What are you doing with Mr. Warmth, here I have no idea." Finn said with a glance on his face as Rey smiled.

She and Ben watched uncomfortably as Finn kissed Rose goodbye "Laters baby." Before he left the apartment.

"I'll see you tonight. Email me if something changes." Ben said to Rey.

"My computer's broken." Rey said firmly to him.

"Well, call then. You know you have my number." Ben said as he touched her face.

"Laters baby." He said as he left the apartment with Finn.

"Finn seems really nice." Rey said as she laughed.

"No, no. We're starting with you. If you're seeing him again tonight, that means that something happened. Rey?" Rose said as Rey avoided answering and started to walk away.

"I have to get ready for work." Rey said as she and Rose both laughed.

"We just kissed, once." Rey said to Rose.

"Only once? That's odd." Rose questioned.

"Mm. Odd doesn't even cover it." Rey said.

"Uh-huh." Rose said with a grin on her face as Rey turned and started walking to her room.

"And a new jacket. Hm." Rose smirked.

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