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"That's cute. Doesn't really seem like your style though." Rey smirked.

"It's not. Happy graduation, Reyhanne." Ben said as he handed a shocked looking Rey the car keys.

"Oh, my God. Ben, that's a car." Rey stuttered.

"You don't miss much, do you?" Ben said in a serious tone.

"Thank you, but I can't. This is too..." Rey went before Ben cut her off asking her "Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it, it's beautiful. But I have a car. I have..." Rey said before looking around for her car "Where's my car?"

"I told my driver to fetch a decent price." Ben explained to a still shocked Rey.

"Ben, this is way too much." Rey said in a annoying tone before rolling her eyes at him again.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Ben questioned her in a serious look.

50 Shades Of Solo (Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now