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After Ben left Rey, she got a call from her mother Kira.

"Hi, Mum." Rey said answering her phone.

"Reyhanne, what’s going on? I’ve left you two messages this week." Kira said in a worried tone.

"I know, I’m sorry. I…there, uh… I just got a little distracted." Rey said trying her best not to sob.

"I'm sorry I missed your graduation, honey. I heard it was lovely. And your new beau? Your father told me all about him, he sounds like quite a young man. Of course, I would’ve preferred to have heard about him from you." Kira said as she heard Rey started to cry.

"Rey? What's the matter?" Kira asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing, I’m fine." Rey said struggling to fight back her tears.

"Is he not making you happy?" Her mom asked her.

"He is, yeah. Most of the time, yeah. It’s complicated." Rey said to her.

"Listen, honey, if…if you need a break, you just come right on down here. Even if it’s for a day or two. I have air miles, so we could talk and have girl time. Promise me you’ll think about it?" Kira suggested to Rey.

"Yeah, I promise. I promise. I love you, Mum." Rey said with an half smile.

"I love you too, darling." Kira said.

"I gotta go. Bye." Rey said before hanging up.

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