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Rey was at work at a hardware store when she gets a call from her mother, Kira, as she grabbed her phone and slided answer the call.

"Mum, I'm at work, can I call you back." Rey said didn't want to be in trouble if she was on the phone while working.

"Oh, no, wait. Wait. I called for a reason. Your father broke his foot playing golf of all things." Kira said as Anastasia shocked that her father had broke his foot due to playing golf.
(Author's notes: I decided for this fanfiction Rey's having her biological dad since the movie Anastasia had 3 stepdads, please do not hate me for this."

"God, is he okay? Is he in a lot of pain?" Rey asked her mother in a worried tone

"Who can tell? Your father calls the paramedics for a blister. It means though, we won't be able to fly in for your graduation." Kira said.

"Really? I mean, you don't want to just come alone? You don't have to bring dad?" Rey said.

"And leave your grandfather to fend himself? You understand, don't you darling." Kira said as Rey got visibly upset.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I really got to go, okay?" Rey said.

"I love you Rey." Kira said.

"I know, I love you too mum." Rey said as she ended the call and replied with a sigh "God."

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