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Ben began escorting Rey to another room.

"If we were to do this, this would be your room. You can decorate it however you like." He began saying to her.

"You want me to move in?" She asked him.

"Not full-time, just Friday through to Sunday. We can negotiate the particulars." He said to her.

"So, I…so, I’d sleep in here with you?" She said to him as she began blushing.

"No, I’d be downstairs. I told you I don’t sleep with anyone." He told her as he escorting her downstairs.

"What if I don’t want anything to do with that?" Rey asked him.

"I would understand completely." Ben said to her.

"But then we wouldn’t have any sort of relationship at all?" She said.

"This is the only sort of relationship I have." He said to her firmly.

"Why?" Rey asked him "It's the way I am." He answered.

"When you said negotiate, what did you mean?" Rey questioned him.

"I already have a contract prepared. It’s fairly detailed. You would review it and we would negotiate what you are and are not willing to try." Ben answered.

"How could I know what I’d be willing to try?" Rey replied.

"Well when you’ve had sex, was there anything you didn’t like doing? We have to be honest with each other for this to work, okay?" He said to her as Rey stood in embarrassment.

"I…I…I wouldn’t know." Rey said nervously.

"What do you mean?" He asked raising a brow at her.

"Because I haven’t…I haven’t…" Rey said shakingly didn't know what to say until he brought it up "You’re still a virgin? I’ve just shown you…"

"I know, I just…" Rey began until Ben cut her off "You’ve done other things, right?"

"No." Rey answered as Ben touched her face tenderly.

"Where have you been?" He asked her.

"Waiting." Rey replied to him with a sigh.

"Men must throw themselves at you." Ben said firmly to her.

"Never what I’ve wanted." She said as she looked down and bit her lip as Ben noticed "You're biting your lip." As he kissed her.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Rectifying the situation." He answered.

"I'm a situantion?" Rey questioned as he nodded.

Ben took her to his bedroom where he slowly took off her clothes before tooking off his own clothes, kissed her as they proceeded to have sex.

Later, Rey woke up she heard Ben playing the piano downstairs, she went over to him as they started kissing, he picked her up and took her back to his room.

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