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Meanwhile at Rey's hardwork store...

Rey's manager Temmin came over to her and asked her "Rey, could you give me a hand out back?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I'll be right there." Rey said as Temmin nodded and left as Rey walked by an aisle as she suddenly startled to find Ben standing there.

"I thought it was you." Ben said as he was surprised to see Rey again.

"What the..." Rey began before Ben cut her off "What a pleasant surprised Ms. Palpatine."

"Rey, just Rey. You're in here." Rey spoke softly to him.

"I was in the area of business, needed to pick up a few things." Ben said to her.

"Are you free?" He asked her.

"Yeah." Rey simply answered.

"What can I help you with?" Rey asked him.

"Do you stock cable ties?" Ben asked her.

"Cable ties, yes, we do. I can show you, if you want." Rey said as he nodded.

"Please, lead the way Miss Palpatine." Ben commented.

"Just Rey." Rey said before leading him to the cable ties.

"Is that it?" Rey asked as she showed him the cable ties getting some to Ben.

"Masking tape." Ben said.

"Are you redecorating?" Rey asked him as he shook his head "No" as Rey lead him to the masking tape.

"Um, we have two inch and one inch. But the truly self-respecting handyman will have both in his toolbox." She told him.

"Of course he will." Ben said.

"It's rare to find a connoisseur these days." Rey said before quickly added by asking him if he need anything. "Do you want anything else?"

"Yes, rope." He said as she lead him to the rope section where she got him some rope.

"That's impressive. Are you a girl scout?" Ben asked her.

"Um, no. Organized group activities aren't really my things." Rey nervously said to him.

"So, what is your thing?" Ben asked her.

"Um, I don't know. Books?" Rey chuckled as Ben knew that she was a bookworm that loves reading books before she quickly added "Okay. Rope, tape, cable ties. Are you a serial killer?"

"Not today." Ben simply answered.

"Anything else?" Rey asked him.

"What would you recommend?" Ben asked her.

"For a do-it yourselfer? Um? Maybe, coveralls so you could protect your clothes? Rey suggested as Ben looked at her in a question look.

"I couls take all my clothes off." Ben said with a smirk as Rey surprised at his comment.

"Okay, no clothes. I mean, no coveralls. You...I really can't think of anything else." Rey spoke softly.

"Well, I guess that's it, then." Ben said.

"Cool." Rey said.

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