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Ben and Rey entered the Solo Residence.

"Good evening, Mr. Solo." The Pigtailed Blonde Server greeted him.

"They’re here! You’re here. Welcome, welcome." Leia squealed in happiness.

"Rey, mother, you've met." Ben said as Rey and Leia engulfed in a hug.

"Hi, lovely to see you." Rey said with a smile as Ben's father Han Solo appeared.

"This is my father, Han." Ben said introducing his father to Rey.

"Hi, pleasure to meet you." Rey said with a smile as Rey and Han shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too." Han said with a smile.

At the dinner table where Rose is also there as Finn's date as Rey and Ben were surprised that his mother Leia invited them to join them.

"It’s a great apartment, and the rent’s not ridiculous. Finn and Daryl helped us move in. Daryl is Rey's friend, although I think Finn's trying to poach him. They’ve sprout quite a bromance." Rose snickered as Ben held Rey's hand under the table.

"He’s a cool guy!" Finn said agreeing with Rose.

"Rey? Where is your family from?" Han asked her.

"My parents were born in UK, but they live in Georgia." Rey said to him.

"Georgia? Which part?" Leia asked her.

"Savannah." Rey said.

"How nice! Although I do hear it gets rather humid in Georgia this time of year." Leia said to Rey with a smile.

Under the table, Rey pushed Ben's hand away from her lap.

"Actually, I’m going to visit them tomorrow." Rey said to Leia.

"Oh, how nice." Leia said with a smile "Mm-hmm." Rey said agree with Leia but Ben however, looked surprised and displeased.

"You hear that, Ben? Some children do visit their parents now and again."

"This is news to me. When were you gonna tell me?" Ben said to Rey quietly as Leia, Han, Rose and Finn were carrying on a conversation.

"Who wants coffee?" Leia asked.

"Actually, I promised Rey a tour of the grounds. Excuse us." Ben said as he stood along with Rey.

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