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Rey woke up in Ben's hotel room with a split headache as if her head is going to be explode any second, as she saw some pills and orange juice on the bedside table with the note "Eat Me" and "Drink Me" next to each as she took the pills as Ben entered the room after his morning run.

"Good morning Reyhanne. How are you feeling?" Ben said.

"Better than I deserved. Did you put me to bed?" Rey asked him.

"Mm-hmm." Ben answered simply.

"You undressed me?" Rey asked him.

"I didn't have much choice." Ben said to her.

"Where did you sleep?" She asked him as he pointed to the space next to her in bed.

"Oh my God, did we? We didn't..." Rey said panickly as Ben shook his head "Necrohilia isn't my thing."

"So we just slept then?" She said as he nodded his head, Rey began to sigh in relieved "It was a novelty for me too." Ben said as he went over to her and gave her some toast.

You...need to eat. I had a driver of mine pick you up some clothes." He said.

"Your driver?" Rey asked as he nodded.

"Why thank you, but you didn't have to do that." Rey began.

"Yes I did, yours were covered in vomit. You shouldn't get drunk like that. I'm all for testing the limits, but you put yourself at risk last night." Ben insisted.

"I know." Rey said feeling guilty and knowing that Benwas right as he took off his shirt which made her blushed scarlet red as she looked at his toned abs.

"If you were mine, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week." He said as he went over her and sat opposite it her on the bed.

"What?" Rey questioned as he took a bit out of her toast.

"I gotta go take a shower." He said as he walked over to the bathroom.

"Why am I here, Ben?" Rey asked him as he turned around and stood by the bathroom doorway.

"You here because I'm incapable of leaving you alone." He answered.

"Then don't. Why did you send me those books?" She asked him.

"I thought I owed you an apology." He said.

"For what? For letting you believe that I... listen to me." She said disbelief as Ben sat next to her on the bed.

"I didn't do romance. My tastes are very...singular. You wouldn't understand." Ben said firmly.

"Enlighten me then." Rey said as Ben touched her face tenderly, he leaned in to kiss her but stops himself and instead walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

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