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Rey went outside of the club and Daryl found her.

"Hey" he said as he put his jacket on her.

"Oh, thanks." Rey said to him.

"You okay?" Daryl asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little more drunk than..." She began when Daryl chuckled when she can't finished her sentence.

"Come here, stay warm." He said as he pulled Rey into his arms.

"Oh, that's cool. I'm good." Rey said kindly declined as he pulled her tightly "I got it." As Rey tried to pull away.

"I don't know when I'll have the courage to do this." Daryl said.

"Do what?" Rey asked him with a question look.

"Rey.." Daryl said as Rey's eyes went wide as in she's shocked "No." She shook her head as Daryl said "I like you."

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