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Ben drove them to the woods and woke Rey up from her nap.

"Let's go for a walk." He said as Rey nodded and they began walking into the woods.

"How did you start doing this?" She asked him.

"One of my mother’s friends. I was fifteen." He answered.

"She seduced you?" She asked him.

"I was her submissive for six years." Ben replied.

"Seriously? Does your mother know that?" She said raising her brow at him as Ben shook his head.

"Of course not. No one in my family knows about this part of me." He huffed out of breath.

"So she introduced you to all this? Mrs. Holdo." Rey questioned.

"Mrs. Amilyn Holdo. I’ll tell her you said that, she’ll love it." He smirked.

"You still talk to her?" Rey asked him.

"On occasions. We’re friends. Ana. I know how intimidating this is. I felt the same at first." Ben said to her.

"Well, what made you change your mind?" She asked him.

"By giving up control, I felt free, from responsibility, from making decisions. I felt safe. You will too, you’ll see. I never took anyone in the helicopter. Never had sex in my own bed. Never slept with anyone. Ever. Only you." He spoke softly to her.

Ben kissed Rey then drover her home, as he pulled outsider her apartment, he gave her an envelope.

"This is the contract. Read it carefully. Email me if you have any questions." Ben told her as he reminded her to read it carefully and emailed her if she had any questions.

"I told you, my computer’s down." Rey protested as Ben told her firmly "Just consider it, okay?" As he kissed her hand.

"I really hope you say yes." Ben said to her as she got out of his car.

"Thanks for the ride." Rey said with a smile.

"Laters baby." He said to her.

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