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"I’ll review all these changes and try to arrive at a decision." Rey said to Ben.

"You want to leave?" Ben asked her.

"Yes." Rey answered.

"But your body tells me something different. Your legs for instance. The way you’re pressing your thighs together under the table. And the change in your breathing. And in your complexion." He said in a serious tone.

"My complexion?" Rey said shyly as she was flushed.

"You’re flushed." Ben said noticing Rey was flushed.

"That could just be the wine." Rey mumbled.

"It’s the adrenaline." Ben told her.

"Let’s say I did stay. What would happen?" Rey asked him.

"First, I would help you out of that little dress of yours." Ben said in flirty seductive tone as Rey once again flushed at his comments.

"Yes." Rey shyly said.

"Then I’d be pleased to discover that you’re naked underneath." He continued.

"Really?" She said as Ben nodded "Then I would bend you over."

"Right here?" Rey asked him.

"Yes." Ben said.

"On this table?" Rey asked him pointing at the table.

"Yes." Ben said firmly to her as Rey bit her lower lip, then looked at him.

"Thank you for the meeting, Mr. Solo." Rey said with an innocent smile as she rose from the chair and started walking away.

Ben escorted Rey to her car parked outside Solo House Building.

"This is me. Didn’t know I was a collector of classic cars, huh?" Rey chuckled.

"You’re sure I can’t persuade you to stay?" He questioned her.

"Goodnight, Ben." Rey said.

"When will you know?" Ben asked her.

"Soon, maybe." Rey replied as she tip toed to reach his level to kiss his cheek.

"Why do I think you’re telling me goodbye?" Ben asked her.

"Because I’m leaving." Rey answered before getting in her car.

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