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Ben took Rey back into her apartment as he sat on the couch and put Rey over his knee to spank her.

"Do you know why I’m doing this?" Ben asked her in a serious scolding look at her.

"Because I rolled my eyes." Rey answered.

"And is that polite?" Ben said raising a brow at her.

"No." Rey chuckled.

"Excuse me?" Ben said in a serious low husky tone.

"No, sir." Rey said as Ben pulled up her dress, pulled her pants down and spanked her twice.

"Do you want more?" He sarcastically asked her but she didn't reply so he's gonna spanked her anyway.

"Welcome to my world." Ben said before pulling up her pants and fixing her dress.

He kissed Rey then got up to put on his jacket.

"What are you doing?" Rey asked him.

"I have a few things at the office that require my attention." Ben said to her as she looked disappointed.

"You okay?" Ben asked her.

"I just thought that…" Rey began before Ben cut her off "I enjoyed tonight. I’ll see you at my place tomorrow." As he left Rey's apartment.

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