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After getting some laundry Rey entered her bedroom when suddenly Ben showed up startling her.

"Ben." She said.

"It’s been nice knowing me has it?" He asked with a grin on his face as Rey chuckled nervously.

Ben placed two glasses and a bottle of wine on the bedside table then dragged Rey into his arms.

"Let me remind you how nice it was." He said as he pushed her down onto the bed then held up his tie.

"Is this what you want?" Ben asked her as Rey nodded and held out her wrists, Ben tied her wrists together, pushed  her arms over her head and tied it to the bedpost.

"Don't make a sound." He ordered as he took off her leggings, pulled her shirt over her eyes to serve as a blindfold, kissed her body before running an ice cube across her bare chest and stomach with mouth.

Then, he turned her around and started to have sex with her.

After having sex...

"That was really nice." Rey said with a smile.

"What are you doing to me?" He asked her in a serious tone as Rey's about to touch his face, but Ben pulled her hand away, Rey went over to touch his chest.

"What about here?" She asked as Ben held her hand to stop her.

"Why not? Is that breaking the rules?" Rey questioned him.

"Speaking of which…" Ben began as Rey's words stopped him saying "I haven’t made up my mind yet." As Ben got up and started to get dressed.

"You're not staying?" Rey asked giving him a question look as Ben turned around to face her "I told you, I don’t sleep with anyone."

"Can we negotiate?" Rey suggested as Ben smiled as he kissed her on the head and he turned to leave.

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