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"I like you." Daryl said as Rey asked him in a question look "You do?"

"Very much." He said.

"Oh, my God." Rey said in a shocking tone as Daryl tried to pull her close and lean in for a kiss.

"No, no, no, no Daryl! I don't... I'm sorry, no." Rey said trying to push him away as Daryl leaned in to kiss her when suddenly Ben appeared and shoven Daryl away from Rey.

"Dude, she said no!" Ben said angrily at him.

"Ben?" She said looking at him when suddenly she puked as Ben held her hair back.

"Don't look at me." Rey said didn't want to be mortified as Ben gave her his handkerchief "Here." As Rey wiped her mouth with his handkerchief as she said with a smirk "Nice touch. I will launder this item."

"Let's get you home." Ben said.

"I'm with Rose." Rey said to him.

"I'll have Finn tell her." Ben said.

"Who's Finn?" Rey asked giving him a question look.

"He's my best friend. He's inside talking to her right now." Ben said to her.

How...I don't...?" Rey asked.

"He's at my hotel with me." Ben said to her.

You're still at the Heathman?" Rey asked him.

"Yeah, come on." Ben said as he lead Rey back inside the club where Rose's dancing with Finn.

Reu watched Ben goes over to Finn to speak with him for a moment before heading back to her.

"That's your best friend?" Rey asked him.

"Not by choice. Let's go." Ben said.

"Wait, what did Rose said to you?" Rey asked him wanting to know what her best friend said to him.

"She warned me to be on my best behavior. More like threatening me." Ben said as he was mortified while Rey laughed "She threatened you?" As she looked at him.

"You're spinning, I think I'm going to faint." Rey said as Ben gave her a question look asking her "What, now?" What made him shocked was Rey passed out as he hold onto her to stop her from falling.

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