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"Page one, strike out my old address and replace with the new one." Rey said.

"An oversight. Duly noted." Ben said to her.

"Page three, section fifteen-twenty. “The submissive shall submit to any sexual activity demanded by the dominant and shall do so without hesitation or argument.”" Rey said as she began to chuckle but Ben gave her a serious look.

"Uh…turn to page five, appendix three, “soft limits.”" Rey said in a serious tone as Ben found the section.

"With you." Ben said.

"Find “anal fisting.”" Rey said nervously.

"I'm all ears." Ben said in a serious tone.

"Strike it out." Rey smirked as Ben looking disappointed, stroke it out.

"Are you dure?" Ben asked her.

"Yep." Rey said he stroke it out again.

"Same page. “Is the use of sex toys acceptable to the submissive.”" Rey said knowing the sex toys were made her uncofortable, but being Ben's submissive, she had no choice as she continued "Vibrators, okay. Dildos, fine. Genital clamps? Absolutely not."

"Consider them gone." Ben said to her.

"What are butt plugs?" Rey asked him.

He was about to answer until two of Ben's assistants entered with some food and wine with the leave on the table and left.

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