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At Rey's Apartment...

As Rey entered her apartment she saw a man setting up her laptop.

"Um.." Rey's about to say anything until the computer techinian said to her "Okay, you’re all set. Your roommate let me in."

"I just figured that you forgot to tell me about it." Rose said to Rey before quickly added "Do I look okay?"

"Tell you about what?" Rey asked her before the technician said "Just sign here." Handing her the form.

"Hold on, do you have the right apartment?" Rey asked him as he said "Reyhanne Palpatine?"

Rey signed the form and noticed it was from Ben.

"Enjoy." The computer technician said before leaving the apartment.

"Another gift, huh? Whatever happened to flowers and chocolate? I’m dying to hear everything, but I have to run right now because Finn and I are having dinner and then we’re going to see show at the Gorge." Rose said with a smirk before quickly added "Daryl called for you, twice, by the way." As she noticed the envelope in Rey's hand.

"Did the mail already come?" Rose asked her.

"Oh, um, no. This is…these are my thesis notes, I left them at school." Rey lied.

"Oh, alright. Well there’s yesterday’s mail." Rose said as Rey went to check the mail as Rose looked at her.

"What?" Rey said giving her the question look at her.

"I don’t know. You look…different." Rose said quietly.

"I feel different." Rey said to her.

"Of course you do." Rose said as they both smiled.

"Okay." Rose said.

"Okay." Rey said as Rose turned and walked out of the front door "Bye." She said waving goodbye to Rey and left.

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