Tell Her That I Need Her

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As I lay in my bed with my six string guitar, I pondered new songs, waiting for any words with lyrical meaning to dance from my head onto the paper in front of me. My thoughts wandered, head far away from where it should be.

“Teddy!” my sister screamed at the top of her lungs. Great, he’s here. I contemplated getting up from my bed and locking my door, but knew it was no use. He always found a way in anyway.

From my room I could hear my sister talking his ears off and I knew just how Ed would react. He’d smile his warm smile, give a soft laugh and tell her all she wanted to know. His genuine personality is what made me so annoyed by him. How could someone who is so famous be so genuinely nice, how hadn’t the fame got to him.

The infamous three knocks hit my wooden door. “Char,” he said a smile in his voice, “can I come in?” I let out a small yes, knowing that no matter what I said he’d come in.  He walked over to my bed and stood over me, his ginger hair just as messy as it was when he left for tour. He wore the same Duffer t-shirt that I gave him for his birthday and held the warm smile that made millions of girls melt. Except for me, he had no effect over me with that smile, knowing that I’d be angry if he tried to get me to be one of his fan girls.

“Why are you hear Ed?” I questioned with pure annoyance in my voice. His smile slowly faded, the expression of happiness draining from his face.

“I’m here to talk. That’s all, I’ve missed you Char.” His voice was soft,  making me feel like I was the bad guy.

“Talk about what? Tour, the way everything was so great, all the girls you could get? What Ed? What could you possibly talk about with me?” Every second he stayed in my room made my blood boil. He picked up my guitar and replaced it with himself. The warmth of his body close to my made the pain go away, yet everything came rushing back as soon as I remembered what he did.

“Don’t be that way Char. You know that I had to go, I just want to speak with you.” He gently ran his fingers along my arm, sending chills up and down my spine. I waited before I responded, waited to see what he did next. He did exactly what I expected, his lips kissed along my neck to my lips, making me shutter at the way he made me feel. Our lips moved in sync as he moved over me, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. I longed for this feeling for the past 8 months, but everything came to a halt once his hand brushed softly against my stomach. It made me feel sick, scared and sad. I pulled back, looking away so he couldn’t see that I was upset. “Charlotte, don’t cry, it’s okay.” He pulled me into his chest and I cried hard, harder than I did before.

“I still love you Charlotte, remember that.” His voice was so gentle, so calming most of the time, but as of right now it left me upset. Especially after what happened before he went on tour. Maybe if I could go back he’d still be with me, but our problems were the inspiration for his songs. He broadcasted them to the world without my permission, letting everyone know that I was the reason for his sadness and heartbreak even though I had no control over anything.

“I still love you Char, I love you and I love him.” His voice cracked at the end of his sentence and right then I knew. I knew he hurt just as bad as I did. 

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now