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Ed’s POV

The video had been live streamed to the fans waiting outside in the crowd. They saw everything that had happened back stage. When I first walked out they were silent, not a sound was made. The only thing that could be seen across the crowd of people was hearts put up in the air towards me.

Tonight’s show had been completely different than any other. Charlotte didn’t stand on the side of the stage for support; Harry and Taylor opted to stay with her until I came back. The set went over smoothly but I decided to change it up a little bit, adding a song after You Need Me, I Don’t Need You.

“I’ve decided to add a song to the set if that’s alright with you lot.” The all cheered as I tuned my guitar. “This is a song that I haven’t played in a long time, so I might be a little rusty, but I feel like it is right.”

I started to strum the chords to In Memory, a song that I hadn’t played in years. “I write this song in memory of, the way ward smile, the boy we won’t forget.” The words came out more passionately than before; each word laced with emotion. I sang the rest of the song, slowly and sadly. My heart was in pain as memories of Will and I crossed my mind. All the good times and bad times past through there, times where he protected me, times where he’d pick on me, everything. It just made all this worse.

At some point during the set tears started to slowly drop down my face. As soon as the song was over I wiped the tears, waving out to the crowd and saying goodbye. I walked to the side of the stage where Stuart was. He patted me on the back, taking Felix from me. “She’s over there mate.”

I walked over to where Charlotte and Harry were sitting; Taylor had gone out to do her set. Normally we’d be joking around, making a tour diary, or messing with Taylor as she got ready, but this time it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. Looking at Charlotte I felt any form of happiness drain from my body and instantly felt exhausted.

“Ed,” Stuart called from behind me, “There is someone that needs to speak to you.” He held out the phone and I took it, placing it to my ear. “Hello?”

Lewis’ voice came through the speaker, “Hello mate.” He sounded exhausted and tired, “You alright?”

I took a deep breathe, “Been better, you?” Just through the phone I could hear how worried he was and I knew what he was calling to ask.

“Same.” He paused for a second, “How is she?” I didn’t exactly know how to tell him about Charlotte. Lewis worried about her more than anyone. I walked away from Charlotte and Harry, not wanting her to hear what I was going to say.

“She cut today, she hasn’t eaten and we had a huge argument last night about everything.” I rubbed my temple, “I shouldn’t have yelled at her, but I couldn’t stop myself.” I paused for a second, “How is Chelsea?”

Chelsea was the more rational twin, but I feared that she might be in the exact same state as Charlotte right now. “She got into an argument with her parents and refuses to go into the house. Since then she’s been at my house. This is the first time I’ve been able to leave her side for a few moments in the past day. She was there mate.”

“She was at the house when it happened?” He hadn’t told Stuart that and I wasn’t sure why he’d leave that out.

“Yeah. She was asleep in her room, but woke up to the gun shots. She went to see what happened and ran into Steven who was leaving. He put the gun to her head and told her that if she said anything he’d kill her.” His voice became shaky, “She called me screaming about it all. I was at my mum’s and immediately went over there. Paramedics and police were there.”

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now