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We made it back downstairs and Charlotte went to the kitchen to grab something to drink. As soon as I took my spot on the couch Rebecca sat next to me; her body leaning into mine while she talked to me about tour. My eyes met Charlotte's, noticing an unhappy look on her face. Her smiled had disappeared, head shaking before releasing my gaze. Tommy had seen something was wrong and pulled on her sleeve, making her sit down on the floor. She sat in a pretzel style, patting on her legs for him to sit down. His little body fit perfectly and looked perfect with Charlotte. She would have made an amazing mother had the baby made it. Levi sat next to them talking about something while she continued with Legos. Charlotte whispered something to him and he looked over at me, giving me a cheeky grin.

Rebecca had been talking to me the whole time about something pointless and only stopped when my mum announced that Christmas meal was ready. We made our way to the dining room where my mother had made a Hogwarts styled eating arrangement. Charlotte had taken her normal spot next to my mum while I sat next to her. Under the table I placed my hand on hers, receiving an angry look before her hand pulled away. In her mind I was flirting with Rebecca and she wasn't' happy with it.

Charlotte started putting small amounts of food on her plate before glancing over at Rebecca who was returning from the bathroom. I watched as she scanned Rebecca's body before looking down at her plate. I knew that she was comparing herself to Rebecca and I knew what it was going to make her do. Charlotte wouldn't be eating her food this meal and it made me upset.

Rebecca had taken a seat across from me, next to my dad who was sitting across from Charlotte and next to my mum. Conversation had taken over the table and I tried to keep my mind off the foot that was rubbing up against my leg.

"Charlotte, have you met Becca?" My dad asked which probably earned him a small kick from my mother. My eyes went to Charlotte, seeing her shake her head. Rebecca took a sip of her wine and cleared her throat before speaking, "I'm Rebecca; Ed's girlfriend." She smiled at me, leg rubbing mine a little slower.

Before I could open my mouth to correct her, my dad spoke up, "Teddy why didn't you tell us you had gotten back together?" My mum looked over at me, an angry look on her face. I smiled, feeling uncomfortable and kept my eyes off Charlotte.

Charlotte had spoken for the first time, "Ed didn't tell me that either, I'm happy that he's found someone." I don't think anyone other than my mum and I heard the sadness dripping off her words. Charlotte should have known something was wrong. I would never lead her on or tell her I loved her.

"Thank ya Charlotte. If you don't mind me asking how do you know Ed? Not a girl trying to steal him from me right?" Rebecca laughed a bit though her words were laced with accusation.

Everyone's eyes looked at Charlotte, including the rest of my family who was now listening to the conversation. Charlotte moved food on her plate, trying to make it seem as if she ate the small amount she'd taken; a trick I noticed she used when her eating disorder started. "I'm no one really. A friend of the family that Ed feels obligated to hang out with." Charlotte's hands went under the table, fiddling with something. A few seconds later her phone started ringing. "I'll be right back, it's my sister."

Charlotte stood up, answering the phone call and started talking to her sister. Conversation went back to normal and my dad asked more questions about me and Rebecca. My mother looked furious with me. She had caught me and Charlotte fooling around and now I was telling her I had a girlfriend. If looks could kill I would have been dead.

When the drinks started to run out Levi used the opportunity to pull me away from everyone. "Ed, can you grab the glasses and help me get more wine?" I nodded, grabbing the remaining glasses from the table and following him. Charlotte was sitting on the stairs with her phone, her mouth moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Ed, what is this? What the fuck is going on? You're dating that bitch Rebecca again?" Levi angrily whispered. "What was the point of bringing Charlotte? What was the point of you have sex with her?" Did you want to her hurt? Are you trying to get back at her for," he paused trying to find the right words, "for losing the baby?"

Anger ripped through my body when he said that, "Are you seriously thinking that I would punish her for something that she didn't try to do? I'd never sleep with Charlotte if I had a girlfriend. Do you take me to be some cold-hearted bastard Levi? Becca is pulling this and I didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone."

Levi turned to face me, his fist clenched tight, "So instead of embarrassing her you break the heart of the girl that loves you? God dammit Ed, after everything you've put Charlotte through." His body tense with anger, "You slept with her today. You should know that Will would kill you if he found out. Rach and I have kept Will away so you could fix this. I've stopped him from coming here and beating the shit out of you when he's been drunk, but now I don't know what the hell I'm going to tell him. Ya know He never hated you for getting her pregnant. He hated you for leaving her."

A mixture of alcohol and anger caused the words to leave my mouth before I could think, "She killed my son by starving herself, hurting herself and drinking instead of talking to me. That's why I left." The second my sentence ended I regretted it. Not only cause it was my fault that she had done all of that, but also because I screamed it and everyone in the house surely heard it.

My face looked towards where Charlotte was sitting, but her body wasn't there. Instead she was standing in front of me, her eyes tearing up. My mum and dad had come into the kitchen, both of them standing by Charlotte. "You could have just said that when you came back Ed, you didn't have to pretend to want me back. I understand though, you wanted to punish me for the past and I know I deserve this." A single tear fell down her face, splashing down onto her phone. She turned to my mum giving her a hug, "Thanks for everything Imogen; it was nice to see you." Next she hugged my dad, both of my parents giving me disappointed looks over her shoulder. She hugged Levi, saying goodbye to him and turned just in time to catch Tommy as he jumped for her.

She surprised me by walking over to Rebecca, giving her a hug before telling her to take care of me and apologizing for making me cheat on her. Rebecca gave me a confused looked before responding to Charlotte. My eyes followed her the whole time, wishing that I could take back what I said. Her body made her way to mine, giving me a hug, "I'm sorry Teddy. I really am. It's my fault that you're upset and even though you said I didn't I know I broke you. And I didn't mean to get you to cheat on your girlfriend. If you would have told me that you were in a relationship I wouldn't have kissed you. If I could fix it I would, I just hope that you can forgive me." Tears filled my eyes as Charlotte pulled away. "Don't cry Teddy, I'll find a way to make this up to you." And with that Charlotte left, in a way it was like I had left her all over again and I regretted that more than anything.

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