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Charlotte’s POV

I stood off on the side of the stage with Jordyn, Kyle, One Direction and Taylor. For some odd reason Ed was playing last. This was the last night that One Direction would be with us, so I thought they would have finished it off. Ed started playing the chords to this and made a small speech at the beginning of the song. “Alright everyone, I have a new friend here tonight. He’s a guy who’s had a rough past, but he doesn’t seem like a bad person. You should never judge a book by its cover and try not to judge someone by their past.” He paused for a second, hitting the pedal for the loop track before letting the guitar go behind his back.

“This guy has a girlfriend and they are here tonight. He wanted to make things special for her and said that the concert was enough, but I don’t believe so,” Ed looked towards Kyle giving him a small ‘Come here’ motion. “So I’d like to bring him to the stage.” Before Kyle walked out Taylor handed him a guitar. He nervously walked out and seemed frightened by the amount of people at the show. “His girlfriend told me before the show that he could sing and knew most of my songs so I decided to see if he could prove it to me,” Ed put his arm around Kyle’s shoulder, “Would you all be alright with this guy, Kyle, singing this with me?”

The crowd erupted into shrieks and screams with a few of the girls shouting comments like Kyle is hot or Ed your sexy towards the two boys, “I knew that you wouldn’t mind. Would it also be alright if his girlfriend came out here too?” Jordyn gave Ed a death glare as the crowd started up. “She seems to be a little bit shy. How about we get a chant going and maybe she’ll come out.”

Ed started to chant Jordyn and the crowd soon joined in. “Charlotte, bring her out here.” I’d been on stage a few times with Ed to switch out guitars so I basically took it as that. Taylor and I grabbed Jordyn’s hand and dragged her on the stage. Harry came bounding out with a stool and we set motioned for Jordyn to sit down. “Stay out here with her Charlotte, the girl looks like she might need a hand.” Ed chuckled a little bit and placed the microphone down. He started up playing and soon after Kyle followed.

At one point in the song Ed dropped out of the song, letting Kyle finish it. His voice was a little bit huskier than Ed’s and gave it a slightly more warm feeling. Kyle must not have realized that Ed stopped because he continued with Ed joining in at the last two lines. After Kyle stopped he walked over to Jordyn hugging her. The crowd erupted into awes and clapping making Kyle blush. Kyle gave a bow and walked off stage with Jordyn.

As I walked off stage I heard Ed start talking into the microphone, “This song is dedicated to a special person in my life right now,” Many of the girls in the crowd started screaming Taylor, “And I want her to know how I feel about her.” Ed started playing Kiss Me. Harry pulled me into his side, giving me a gentle squeeze as Ed played. The song made me smile and I started feeling really relaxed with how things were going.

The song ended and Harry’s warmth moved from my side. He and the boys walked out onto the stage which caused the whole crowd to start screaming once again. “Before I play my last two songs I just wanted to bring these nice young lads out.” All of them said hello again and all stood around Ed. “So that special girl I was telling you about,” Ed paused and I felt like something weird was about to go on, “Well she’s here tonight.” Everyone in the crowd started yelling, “I’m going to bring her out and play a song for her.” At that moment it hit me that they wanted me to come out. I started to walk backwards to escape my fate, but ran smack into Stuart’s chest for the hundredth time this tour.

Harry and Niall were standing behind me when I turned around, both of them grabbing my arms and pulling me out onto the stage. “As you all know, this is Charlotte. To you all she is my best friend and assistant manager, but let me tell you, she is more than that.” The crowd was silence listening to him, “Let me just give you a brief overview.” He gave me a small smile that made me blush, “I’ve known her family since we were babies. From a young age we’d been best mates. Her brother and I were mates in school and often times I’d follow his lead and pick on Charlotte. Most of the time it ended with me running home crying because her friends would gang up on me,” The crowd laughed. “As we grew older things became closer and I started to get feelings for her. Charlotte being the little firecracker that she is wouldn’t go for anything I wanted. She’d often tease me, but I didn’t care I knew that I was smitten.” There was a chorus of awes, “After years of me sitting there being an absolute idiot I told her about those feelings and let her know that most of my songs were about our past. We dated for a while, but one little thing changed everything.” He was still focused on me, eyes making me feel comfort, “And I’ve gotten a second chance. I’m going to do this right.” He turned to the crowd, “So if you noticed the boys didn’t play one song tonight and we are going to play it now.” There were more screams as the chords to Little Things started playing.

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