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Charlotte’s POV

I was slightly shocked at the fact that my cousin, one of the guys who acted so straight, turned out to be gay. For a while no one said anything all of us needing a moment to take it in. Lewis was the first one to take action. “Hello mate, my name’s Lewis. I’m Chelsea’s boyfriend.” He pointed over to Chelsea who got up and gave Brandon a hug. “Welcome to the family.”

Brandon was a tall sandy blonde hair, dark grey eyed guy. He stood an inch or two shorter than Tony. His hair looked like organized chaos while his dressing style made him look professional. He wore a light blue, white and grey flannel type shirt that was made of light material, a white undershirt, very dark blue jeans and a pair of converses. He looked nervously around my room.

“I like the paintings in here, you’re really talented.” He made this comment to Chelsea, his American accent made him sound sexier than he looked. Chelsea shook her head, “This isn’t my room it’s hers.” She pointed to me and I blushed. I’d never really had anyone I didn’t know comment on my art.

He blushed slightly, “I’m sorry. I have a terrible time telling twins apart.” Ed pushed me up, grabbing my hand and walking me towards Brandon. “She would say thank you, but she gets shy when people give her compliments. I’m Ed by the way.”

Brandon laughed, “Trust me I know who you are. I’ve been to most of your concerts in the California area. I’m a huge fan. I would be freaking out if it wasn’t for Tony; he told me that overly hyper fans tend to annoy you.” Ed reached his hand up, shoving Tony.

“Don’t scare the kid Tone. I wouldn’t have been afraid. I love when my fans are themselves.” He smirked at Brandon, giving him a high five, “Thanks for coming to my shows by the way. Tony could have brought you with.”

Tony continued to look nervous, “I don’t usually tell people I know Ed Sheeran, they would treat me differently if I did.” Tony still looked uneasy so Brandon leaned over, giving him a small kiss on the cheek and squeezing his hands. Chels and I awed while the boys mimicked us causing everyone to laugh. “We’ve been together for two years now Tone; I wouldn’t use you even if you told me you knew Ed. You know I’m not that type of person.”

Chelsea and I gasped, “TWO FUCKING YEARS TONY?!” We both shouted simultaneously. Brandon eyes went wide, “Do they do that often? It’s kinda awesome!” Lewis and Ed nodded, “It gets worse when they are angry with you.” Lewis chuckled.

“You didn’t tell us you had a boyfriend after two years? Tony I told you the first time after I kissed Lewis.” Chelsea yelled at him, “And you were the first person to know about, well ya know.” I blushed, leaning my body against Ed’s. His arm wrapped around me for comfort.

“I  know! I know! I was scared. That’s all normal stuff. Will already hates me and I couldn’t have you two hating me. You’re the closest family I have!” Tony sighed; I could tell that he was still upset. Chelsea poked him, “Well fine, you didn’t tell us then so tell us now. What made you interested in him?” She pointed to Brandon.

Tony smiled, “Well I don’t mean to be shallow, but one thing kind of drew me to him. Go ahead Brandon, show em.” Brandon smiled at Tony before lifting up his shirt to reveal the most perfect body I had ever seen in my life. “I was at the beach with some of my friends, whom I had told, and Brandon came over, shirtless, and stared playing volleyball with us. One of his friends talked to my friends and let them know he was gay, granted she was disappointed, but she handed him over to me. We found out that we both went to the same university and started hanging out. At this point I wasn’t entirely sure if I was gay, I thought I was maybe bisexual, but hooking up with a girl felt so wrong after a while and that’s when he helped me find myself.” Brandon smiled, “You don’t know how many times I’ve heard that story.” He gently shoved Tony.

Will walked into my room, saying hello to everyone before stopping at Brandon. “Who is this?” Tony’s worried expression came back as he looked for the right words to say. I was also worried, even though Will was accepting of most he hadn’t really encountered any gay men. “This is Tony’s boyfriend Will, his name is Brandon.”

Chelsea answered for them. At first I thought Will might flip out or even start going on a rant about how it’s wrong but he just stuck his hand out to Brandon. “Nice to meet ya mate. Thanks for saving the women for me.” He smirked before heading out of my bedroom.

Chelsea stuck her head out the door, “You have a girlfriend William!” Will’s laugh could be heard from down the hallways, “I know Chels, jesus.” We all chuckled a bit and went back to talking. Brandon was a nice guy and I was happy that Tony finally found someone to be with. He’d been lonely for a long time and I could always see he was uncomfortable with his girlfriends, but I never suspected him to be gay.

We all decided to go out tonight since it was Friday and no one had anything to do. I knew that I shouldn’t drink because of my medication, but couldn’t help myself once Chelsea brought out the Bacardi Apple. Lewis and Ed decided to stay sober so they could drive. Ed made a phone called Mr. Harry Styles who lived in London and asked him if he would let us use his place for the night. Niall was in the background asking if Rachy could come. Ed said she was, but reminded him she had a boyfriend.

It was about 7:30 when we left the house and I was already pretty drunk. Ed had connections everywhere now and called up one of his club owner friends to get us into the VIP area. The car ride was fun. Levi asked Brandon a lot about America to which Brandon happily answered. Tony and I kept singing at the top of our lungs whenever songs we liked came on. Levi joined in on the singing while Brandon turned his attention to Ed, asking him many questions about tour. Once the music got quiet I heard the questions he was asking. Out of all of them the last one was one Ed didn’t want to answer.

“What did you base your songs on?” He asked Ed. Ed looked at him in the rear view mirror, “Let’s not ruin a good night tonight mate.” His hand tangled with mine as an upbeat song came on. The rest of the night was a blur because as soon as we got to the club I became black out drunk. 

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