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We waited in the behind stage at the arena for my time to perform. Charlotte and Rachel were sitting next to the guys of One Direction, complete star struck. Rachel was openly fangirling, while Charlotte had become good at hiding it. Both the girls had been drinking and I could see how relaxed Charlotte was. Rach on the other hand was flirty and overactive like always. Charlotte looked over at me, giving me a small wave and smile before Niall grabbed her hand.

I was tuning my guitar, humming gently to myself. "So, which one is it?" Harry had walked over, taking a seat next to me. They all knew that something had happened, that I had hurt a girl.

I smiled warmly at him, "Guess." He studied both the girls, taking in every aspect of them that he could see. After a couple of minutes he had an answer, "The one with the longer hair and hazel eyes?" I nodded grinning at him. "Man, I can see why you would go for her, she's gorgeous." He smiled at me, "What with a girl like her want with a ginger like you?" He joked, laughing throughout the whole sentence.

"To be honest Harry, I ask myself that all the time." He stopped laughing, "But I haven't been able to answer that. She's perfect in every way, shape, and form, and well, I'm me. I messed things up, the shit I sing about, everything I did was for her. I wanted to keep her; I feared that she'd leave me but in the end I didn't see she was blinded by love and stayed with me even when she shouldn't have. " I paused, taking a breath and calming myself, "Listen I need you to do something for me, just hold her during the show. A lot of the songs are about us and I don't want her upset."

His eyes studied mine before he nodded, patting me on the back. "Ed!" Stuart shouted, "It's time for you to go on." Charlotte and Rach busy dancing around with Niall and Zayn who had gotten them both more alcohol. I decided not to bother them and headed for the stage. Right before I stepped on I heard someone yell my name, "Teddy, wait." Charlotte had run towards me, crushing her body into mine. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. "Have fun." She mumbled into my chest.

"I will love." My hand reached under her chin and gently lifted it. I placed a small peck on her lips and turned to walk on stage. This was the only Christmas show I'd be doing in England. I'd played a lot of arena shows in America for their Christmas concerts, but was happy to be home.

I played the songs in the usual order. I started out with Give Me Love, Drunk, U.N.I., Grade 8 and Wayfaring Stranger. I got to Small Bump, looking over at Harry who saw my worry and tightened his grip on Char's waist. He placed a small kiss on her head, trying to keep her calm. I started the song, slowly playing it; eyes glancing over at Char, her head buried into Harry's chest. He moved closer to hear ear, whispering it'll be okay and giving me a reassuring glance. Both of them disappeared before the end of the song, returning for the next song; Charlotte with a drink in her hand.

Lego House was next, a song I loved to play. Harry grabbed a mic, running out onto the stage to join in with my singing. The crowd grew louder when he walked out. We finished up the song, Harry giving a small bow before running off stage. The crowd and I sang the tuning song until I my guitar tuned right.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I started playing my most upbeat song; You Need Me, I Don't Need You. I started making the beat and singing the song. Before I got to the faster part of the song I looked toward side stage. Harry's hands were on Charlotte's waist her body moving against his to the beat. Rach was dancing with Niall while the rest of the boys danced with girls they were currently talking to or dating. All of them looked like they were having fun and that's all the mattered. I continued on.

Every so often I'd glance over at them, both of them looking happy as they moved together. Charlotte's movements became more intense, turning her body around to face Harry's. With every glance I could see the events folding out before me. Harry's hands moved from Charlotte's waist to her back and then lower, her body grinding up against his.

Both of them disappeared, sending me into a panic, but I couldn't just leave. I played This City, Be My Husband, Homeless and The A team. I said goodnight to the crowd and walked off the stage. People tried congratulating me, but I ignored them. The only thoughts on my mind were about Charlotte, my feet taking me to where we had once sat, eyes searching for any sign of her or Harry. I reached the dressing room, to find the door cracked open. I peered in to find Charlotte sitting on Harry's lap, her head on his lap while he played with her fingers. Her eyes were closed, breathing even. "She got upset mate, I thought this quiet would be best."

My racing thoughts slowed, fists that would have turned to violence had they been doing anything together unclenched. I thought back to the conversation before about why she'd want a ginger like me. I didn't understand it. Looking at her and Harry they were perfect together, both of them looked stunning. I didn't deserve her, my past too muddy from what I did, but he could give her everything. Sure I knew his reputation, but he was Harry, he was sweet. Most of the girls that he dated left him.

Charlotte stirred a bit in his arms, "Ed, sing, do something. She responds to you, that's why I had the door cracked. Your voice comforts her." He gave me an encouraging smile. My lips open to sing but Rachel's drunken voice shouted from the hall, causing Charlotte to sit up. A tired smile graced her lips, "Teddy, I'm sorry I miss the last part of your show." Her hand reached up to rub her eyes as she yawned. "Sorry about falling asleep on you Harry." She gave him an innocent look and he smiled back, "Don't worry about it. You just owe me sometime."

Rachel started screaming something in the hallway making Charlotte jump up to the aid of her friend. "Niall! Put her down!" She laughed. "Awe but she's so cute!" Niall said in his thick Irish accent. Harry and I stood up and headed to where the commotion was. Charlotte was trying to pull Rach off of Niall's shoulder. "Let her go!" She shouted both girls in hysterics. Harry wanting to save his best mate ran over to Niall's aid. He grabbed Charlotte, throwing her over his shoulder and taking off down the hall with her. I stood against the wall, watching them all have drunken fun. Seeing Charlotte this happy made me feel at peace again.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now