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Niall’s POV

The ginger haired girl sat next to me, her eyes bright red from crying the previous night. “Rach, what can I do to cheer you up?” The whole car ride from her home to the airport had been silent. She sat staring out the window, one hand holding mine.

She bit her lip, holding back tears, “Seeing Charlotte will make things better. I just need to see my best friend.” Her other hand was laid across her stomach, placed over the only thing that kept her so close to Will. Before the whole incident Rach and I had become close. We’d talk a lot, webcam, everything. I didn’t know if she knew it, but I had taken to her in a more than friendly way. I’d never do anything though; she wasn’t mean to be mine and just because she was “single” didn’t change that.

Through the rearview mirror I could see Lewis and Chelsea. His arm firmly wrapped around her shoulder, her body leaning into his. Chelsea hadn’t spoken since she told Lewis about the events that had taken place. Both twins were taking this in a different way. Chelsea was having problems with sleeping and speaking. She had started keeping herself away from the world. Charlotte on the other hand was becoming emotional unstable and increasingly irrational. It had 9 days since she found out and Harry had informed me on Charlotte’s actions.

Charlotte started drinking heavily, numbing the pain with chemicals. She self-harmed frequently and had two incidents were Harry and Ed had to pry a razorblade from her hands. She started starving herself and pushed her emotions to the side. Lewis hadn’t said anything to Chelsea about this, fearing it could cause her to become more like her sister.

“Niall?” Rach was looking at me, a forced smile on her face, “Thank you for being her for me. I know you are busy, but it really means a lot to me to have a friend like you here.”

I gave her my normal friendly smile, “Anytime R. Patz.” Usually she’d hit me for using the nickname for the twilight star, a man she despised, but this time she didn’t do anything. Her eyes filled with sadness, the small smile still across her face.

We pulled up to the airport, all of us getting out of the car as soon as we saw Charlotte, Harry and Ed. Charlotte and Chelsea seemed to look the same, both of them looking exhausted with red eyes. Charlotte let go of Ed’s hand, running towards us. Her small body impacted with Lewis’. Seconds later he was shushing her, trying to comfort her in her crying.

Ed walked over, hugging Chelsea who responded with a weak hug. A numb expression was plastered on the usually smiling face. Ed let go, walking over to where Rach and I were standing. I decided to leave them to talk, walking over to join Harry.

“Did you tell her mate?” I questioned, watching him looking on towards the five friends. He scoffed a bit, “There wasn’t any time Niall.” He repositioned his beanie, scratching his forehead, “He was always with her and it’s just not the right time to tell her.”

Harry was now looking at me, his eyes meeting mine. “How is Rach doing?” He seemed genuinely concerned about the girl he had grown to dislike over the past few months. Rach and Harry never got along, mainly because she was a flirt even though she had a boyfriend.

I shrugged, “To be honest she hasn’t let me in. She’s been cut off from the world, but I wouldn’t blame her. She witnessed the man she loves being shot by someone she knew. He basically died in her arms.” I took a breath, “That’s enough to change a person.”

Rach was talking to Ed as I watched, her arm hugging Charlotte closely. Her long reddish orange hair was up in a messy hairdo accenting the pale yet beautiful color of her skin. Even in this tough time she stood strong and graceful, not once asking for the aid of others. I smiled a bit as I watched her, she was gorgeous and thanks to Will she knew it.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now