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Charlotte’s POV

The day of the nightmare had been a busy on and I’d been able to avoid telling Ed about my dreams. He’d had been touring with One Direction. Taylor Swift and Ed started touring early March with One Direction joining for two shows. To be honest it was going to be nice to have another girl on tour. The only negative side was the tension between her and Harry. The breakup had been bad, but they put it aside to keep their fans happy.

America had been a lot different for me, but I loved it. The people had all been nice and the food seemed to be amazing. I was always trying to watch my weight, but Ed wouldn’t let me. He told me to explore my taste buds and let my mouth choose the food. I didn’t like the idea but it made him happy to see me eat. Lewis and Chelsea had just returned home from America so we talked about it on Skype.

“The Batman ride was fucking amazing Pipsqueak. Honestly, it was my favorite part of America. Well that and the food, I could live off of In and Out Burger.” I had no idea what an In and Out Burger was, but I went along with it, he was happy and that made me happy. He proposed to Chelsea during their vacation and she was obviously ecstatic. It was around one in the morning and I could tell they were getting tired.

Chelsea yawned, “I think we are going to head to bed sis. We will Skype again tomorrow.” She smiled and we said our goodbye’s before they signed off. I stood up, today we were in Chicago and Ed along Taylor had an interview. They offered for me to come, but I didn’t want to. Usually at the interview I’d feel uncomfortable since I wasn’t a musician and hated answering questions when it should be about them and not me. To the fans I was just Ed’s best friend and Stuart’s assistant.

The bus sat outside the studio, but I was hungry and this tour food wasn’t for me. It was the middle of February and the weather was decently nice today, but I could tell it was windy and the snow was had freshly fallen the previous night. I pulled on some jeans and one of Ed’s hoodies, grabbing a pair of sunglasses and a beanie before heading off the bus. When I walked off the small crowd of girls erupted into screams, but it quickly died down once they realized I wasn’t one of the guys. The security at the fence let me through as I walked towards the town. The city was really unique. It had many buildings with different art on them, huge skyscrapers and a boardwalk along the water. The sun was shining, but the wind was brutal. I explored for about two hours before getting something to drink. I walked to a Starbucks and got a large mocha carrying it outside to the patio area in front of the café. I texted Ed, letting him know where I was and sat down to enjoy my drink.

As I was sitting there a gust of wind knocked my beanie off my head and it went flying. I got up as fast as I could and knocking my drink over in the process. By the time I had gotten to it another person had it in hand. “This yours?” A very edgy looking guy held the hat in his hand with a smile.

“Yes it is. Thank you so much for getting it.” The guy winked, handing it back to me, but pulling it away from me.

He gave me a smile again and I laughed, “Give me something in return and I’ll give it back.” I was confused by this, but had come to found out that American men were really forward when it came to asking a girl out. I studied him for a second. He had shaggy brown hair that came down to his eyes, chocolate brown eyes, and beautiful white teeth with snake bites on his lips. He seemed safe, but I prayed he wouldn’t ask me out. I hated turning people down.

“I have a boyfriend, so I guess this is limited.” The guy chuckled, “Of course a pretty lady like you would have a boyfriend. I myself have a girlfriend, so you don’t have to worry about something creepy. How about you let me get another drink?” I watched as he grabbed his Starbucks apron, “I’ve got about four-five minutes left on my break. You can tell me where that accent of yours is from.”

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now