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Charlotte’s POV

It had been six days since I had seen Ed, or any of my friends for that matter. “Stuart, do you have any more cereal?” I poked my head out of the cupboard, staring at Stuart who seemed to have the whole box of cereal in his bowl.

“Er, about that Char.” I pouted a bit, “Oh for Christ’s sakes, you can just have it.” He dropped the spoon, pushing the bowl towards my end of the table. He rolled his eyes, picking up what looked like a steaming cup of tea, the expensive stuff he picked up at a local shop.

I walked over, smiling happily at the fact that I was able to get Stuart to do basically anything. He would do anything to make anyone happy, even if that meant giving up his meal. “You know Ed’s flying in in about two hours, right?”

I cringed at his name. My heart was in pain while my mind replayed the events of that night. “Yeah Stu, I know.”

After leaving Harry’s I walked for about six hours, walking to find the one person I always could trust. Once I made it to Stuart’s he comforted me and gave me a place to sleep for the night. He informed me that the next day he was going back to America to finish off the tour. I woke up the next morning to him with a suitcase of my things, my passport and a plane ticket to America. His exact words to me were, “I’m not letting you be here alone. Coming back and finding out you are in the hospital or worse might possibly destroy me.”

He had become like my father and I realized that he considered me his daughter. No matter what he wanted me to be safe and happy. So, to keep good ol’ Stu happy I went with him to America and stayed in Ed’s beautiful Nashville home that I had seen once. I hated knowing that Ed was going to come and ruin the past few serene days I had with Stuart; his comforting and warm words seem to take my mind off of anything that had happened in the past.

Stuart put his cup down, finishing down his sip, “You know he knows you’re here?” My mouth dropped, angry that Stuart told him after I begged him multiple times not to say anything.

“Don’t look at me like that,” He was taken back, “I didn’t break my promise. One of those fan girls did from yesterday. I told them to piss off because you didn’t want pictures taken, but they still put it on twitter and Ed saw it. He messaged me this morning, I swear the lad wrote a book asking questions about your well-being, and I wasn’t going to lie to him.”

I continued eating the cereal, taking a huge bite, “Why would he care about where I am?” It was hard to speak with all the cereal in my mouth and I wasn’t exactly sure that Stuart had understood what I said.

“Oh, stop the front Charlotte.” Stuart stood up, pouring another dose of tea into his cup, “You know the lad loves you. He didn’t just ask where you were, actually I don’t even think he asked that. He’s not an idiot, he knows I’m in Nashville.” He took a sip, spitting the tea back into the cup and on his shirt, “Bullocks. That’s hot!” He then looked down to his brand new white shirt that he had bought two days prior, “I’m a clumsy fucking twit. I mean the cup was right in front of me, how the hell did I miss it?”

He set the tea down, yelling at me for laughing at him, before grabbing a towel to wipe it off. He turned to me, shaking the towel in my face, “You know he cares for you more than he wishes. He write’s so many songs about you, I’d say fifty since you got back together. Not a single one is negative about you, he puts you up there like you’re a princess. You are the one thing that kept him going. Did you know that?”

I giggled more, “You look like one of those angry Caribbean women Stu. Put your hand on your hip. It might make it better.” Stuart dropped his head, “C’mon Stu, please. It’ll make me smile.” I gave him a pushed my lips into an over exaggerated pout, hoping it would change his mind.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now