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Ed’s POV

Tonight had certainly been the most eventful of the ones since my return to Framlingham. My mind was still trying to wrap around the fact that Charlotte, my Charlotte, had used drugs. Worse thoughts came to mind when I put two and two together, realizing that Pete’s death and Char’s hospitalization were because of this incident. Part of me wishing Pete was still alive so I could tell him off, the other part guilty because I was happy he had left before he could corrupt her more.

Shaking the angry thoughts out of my head I grabbed my pillow, laying it down on the sofa before settling myself in. Lying on my back I stared at the ceiling, gently humming Sofa and remembering nights spent here with Charlotte. Soon my mind body had relaxed, mind drifting off to my dreams.


Charlotte’s body lay next to mine, her head on my chest, fingers playing with the zipper of my hoodie. We had just come back from a long trip with my family and a few friends to a little hotel off the coast. My parents weren’t home tonight, they’d be returning the next morning claiming they wanted quality time together. The thought of that made me cringe.

Will had dropped us off about half past one, wanting to get home and rest a bit for the upcoming drive he had out to visit an old friend. My eyes were closed, one hand under my head while the other gently stroked Charlotte’s arm. Most of the time I was with her we were like this, just lying together enjoying each other presence. We weren’t really physically, not because I was afraid of Will if he found out, or scared that something bad would happen. I didn’t want to be physical because I couldn’t tell if Charlotte was ready, plus she was two years younger than me, I was 18 and she had just turned 16. I didn’t want to rush her or make her feel like she had to do something she’d regret.

Another thing was the fact that we didn’t see each other much. Ever since I was 16 I’d been in London a lot, living from place to place, never in the same place for long. Sure she had come out to visit me, but it was hard for us to spend alone time together with multiple people in the room. So, times like these were special and I wouldn’t want to ruin it by rushing into things.

My thoughts were interrupted by a poke in the side, “Hey there love.” I smirked, grabbing her hand. “Don’t do that again.” Her head popped up, hazel eyes staring deep into mine, a smile on her lips fringe covering her face.

“And what will happen if I do?” She was challenging me and she usually knew what that meant. I’d move us around so she was under me and tickle her until her sides hurt.

“You know what I’ll do.” I poked her in the side, causing her to let out a giggle. “Now, say sorry or else.”

She stared at me for a second, “Alright Teddy, I’m sorry.” Her elbows moving on either side of me, body lying on mine before propping her head up in her hands. “What do I get out of this?” She asked.

“Hm, what do you want love? You know I’ll do whatever you want.” She could have asked for anything in the world and I would have done it, she knew that and sometimes she would use that to her advantage.

She bit her lip, eyes showing me that her thoughts were running wild, “Take around the world. I wanna get away from here.” She sighed, laying her head back on my chest.

I leaned up slightly, kissing her on the head, “After you are done with college I’ll take you, I promise.”

Her body moved off of mine as I changed the way we were laying. I was now over her, hands on either side. A little burst of energy had come over me and I wanted me make this girl smile. So, I leaned down, and spoke, gently kissing her in between words. “You, know, I’d, Do, Anything, For, You, Love. When I am rich and famous I’ll take you with me, traveling the globe. You can be my, uh what is that again, my trophy wife.” I finished kissing her, pulling back to watch her reaction.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now