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Ed's POV

Awaking from the dream I sat up, ruffling my hair before placing a smoke in between my lips. Outside was still dark; signaling that I slept for an hour at most. I rubbed my eyes, grabbing a lighter, pulling on my shoes before I walked outside. The cool air swept the warmth from around my body, causing me to shiver slightly as I lit the smoke. My eyes wandered, taking in the sights around me. Everything looked familiar and that made me feel safe. Touring for the past year and a half hadn't exactly given me the best arrangements. I was always surrounded by people, whether it was my crew and manager or screaming fans. Alone time was seldom and tour and I'd learned to savor it.

For a long time on tour my alone time consisted of sitting on social networking sites. I was either updating my fans on everything that was going on and trying to keep in touch with the people that I loved. Every time I had spoken to my mother she had news that I didn't want to hear. My mother is a kind soul and I know she only means well, but sometimes she'd deliver the wrong messages. She was the one that always told me about Char. She'd tell me that I needed to talk to her, call her, and message her, if only she knew that I did that. Char blocked my number, blocked me on every kind of site and complete shut me out. I didn't blame her though. After a while, I tried writing and in the end sleep took up most of my spare time. Things had escalated so quickly that I was always doing three interviews, a meet and greet along with practicing before I had to do performances.

My mind had been lost in thought and I didn't notice Char join me on the step. "What are you thinking about Teddy?" I pulled the smoke out of my mouth. Throwing it on the ground, I knew Char hated when I smoked. She nudged me in my side, giving me a smile, "Talk to me Teddy. What's on your mind?" I didn't exactly know whether I should lie or tell the truth.

"I was thinking about you and tour." She nodded, not wanting to get any deeper into the subject. She laid her head on my shoulder, my arm moving around her. We sat there in silence, just enjoying each other's company for a couple of minutes. This calm, this serene few minutes with Char made me miss everything about her.

A gust of wind blew through my hair sending shivers through my body. I stood up, pulling Charlotte to her feet. "Let's go inside before you catch a cold." She looked cute wearing a short sleeve shirt with Call of Duty written across it and a pair of my sweat pants.

She stood there, yawing and stretching, "I'm tired Teddy," her voice sounding like a small child, "carry me." I chuckled, lifting her into my arms. I kicked the door shut and headed up the stairs. "Why aren't we going to the couch?" she questioned, head against my shoulder. "Because I don't want Will to kill me."

She laughed, lightly hitting my chest, "Teddy he may not like you, but he'd never kill you. He loves you like his brother still Ed. I know that if anyone where to hurt you like they did in school he'd be at your side." She yawned slightly, holding onto my neck as I put her down in the bed, "He will forgive you Ed," she paused for a moment, thinking. "And well, I'll forgive you too Ed. One day I'll forgive you."

I leaned down, kissing her head while her eyes closed. I tried pulling away but her hand was grabbing my hoodie strings, "Lay with me Teddy." I was hesitant, eyes scanning the room for Will. "Please Teddy, I wanna cuddle." I was reluctant but did as I was told. She rolled onto her back, tired eyes looking up at mine. My eyes wander her face, taking in every feature once again. Everything looked almost the same; her hazel eyes searched my face, lips curved into a small grin, the light brown freckles that normally sit on her face were covered by makeup. My face had gotten close to hers, eyes looking for approval. Her lips curled into a warm smile, giving me the signal I needed. I closed the space between us, kissing her lips gently.

After the kiss she turned over, pulling my body close to hers. My hand was on her hip, but as I got more tired my hand moved, gently resting on her stomach. At first she tensed up and I tried to move my hand, but her hand placed over mine, putting back on her stomach. "It's okay Teddy, just promise me you won't hurt me?" her voice was tired and I could swear she was half asleep, "I promise Char, I won't. You are safe here in my arms." She pressed her body into mine, closing the small space between us. Charlotte's breathe became even and I soon drifted to sleep with her.

"Well isn't this a lovely fucking sight." A voice woke me up from my sleep, "Ed get up, don't you realize that you have a fucking performance in a few hours. We need to get to London! I've only been calling you for the last two hours!" Stuart's cranky voice shouted. I sat up, realizing that Charlotte was nowhere to be found.

"I'm up, I'm up! My mobile must have died, sorry Stuart." My manager helped me out of the bed, thrusting some clothing at me before shoving me into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I studied at my appearance. For the first time in months I looked human, I looked like a healthy person minus the fact that I was still as pale as a blank sheet of paper. I changed into clothing that got, looking at the bruises that lined my body. The night before Char found me leaving her house I got hurt. A lad that I went to school with, one of my old best friends attacked me for hurting Char. Most of the lads I knew here thought of Charlotte as a little sister. He would have beaten me to a pulp if Rach hadn't stepped in to stop him. I begged her not to tell Charlotte, I couldn't have her worrying about me.

Breaking from my thought I brushed my teeth, ruffled up my hair and tried to prep myself for the drive. "Ed, hurry up, there's a girl downstairs who is waiting for us." My mind perked up, Charlotte was really coming. I opened the door to an annoyed looking Stuart, "Christ lad, took ya fucking long enough. Now downstairs, we've got things to do." Stuart pulled out his blackberry, mumbling something about fans asking about meet and greets.

I reached the bottom of the stairs to find not one girl, but two standing at my stairs. Charlotte's eyes met mine, plastering a huge smile on my face. Next to her stood Rach, who looked back and forth between me and Char before smiling like an idiot. "What are you smiling at Rach?" Charlotte asked confusion on her face. Stuart could see something too and made a happy sounding grunt before walking out the door.

"Oh nothing," Rach said in a sing songy voice. Charlotte shrugged, turning towards the door and walking outside. Rach grabbed me before I could follow, "Fix this Ed, she needs you and I can tell you need her."

I opened my mouth to ask a question, but she stopped me as if she read my mind, "Don't worry; I'll take care of William." She smiled at me heading out to the car. I followed, locking my front door. I needed to get Charlotte back, but I needed to make her trust me again.

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