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"Hello everyone! My name is Ed. I'm from around these parts and I just wanted to play a couple of songs for you all. Just to provide some calm to this stormy drunken night." Ed's voice was in my ear, but I was nowhere near to see him. James had taken me onto a sofa in another room.

His lips were all over my neck; his hands were running up and down my body, making me feel something that I've never experienced before. James was a few years older than me and was well advanced compared to myself.

Rach came over to me, tapping me on the shoulder causing me to pull away from him. "What do you need love, can't you see we're in the middle of something 'ere?" James asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Ed is looking for you, he needs you on stage." She smiled, grabbing me away from James. I mouthed I'm sorry I'll be right back and continued with Rachy.

"Ah! There she is." Ed said into the microphone. "This is one of my best mates. She inspired me to be the person I am today. I just wanted her to come up on stage for one song that I've written especially for her."

I blushed slightly, as he started playing the songs. He played a song he called "I Love You." A song he has played for me many times. It was one of my favorites so far. During the song all I could think about is how bad I looked. I was 14 and looked completely smashed rocking back and forth on the chair I was on. He finished the song. "Alright everyone, I hope you enjoyed my performance, now let's hear some good music from my main Bizzle." Bizzle was a guy from our school that did DJing.

Ed grabbed my hand and pulled me off stage. I was still smiling, the way he sang was beautiful. I drunkenly tried to help him put away his guitar and his gear, but mainly I stood there with a stupid grin while he asked me to hold things. "Thanks for coming up there love."

He pulled me close to him, just like he did a couple of months ago, and we started dancing slightly. He put his hands against my hips, making my body move the way he wanted. We danced for a long time before he stopped, asking if I wanted a drink. I smiled, "You know what I like."

He smirked walking over to William to ask for the bottle. As he did this I went to look for James, feeling guilty when he was nowhere in sight. Part of me wished I'd stayed with him, but another part, a much bigger part, of me was happy I went to Ed.

"There you are," Ed's voice entered my ear, "Here is your bottle, now dance with me." Bizzle's music started playing through the speakers and we moved, in sync, while he drank his ale and I drank my Bacardi. We danced for a long time until he pulled me outside. "I don't want to dance anymore love, I'm not good at it. You dance for me." He smirked.

If I was sober I would have said no, but his smirk made me feel good about myself. His eyes scanning my body made me feel positive, so I danced for Ed. I stopped after a while, getting close to him. My lips connected with his and we stood there against a rickety old table kissing passionately. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me close to him. He let my hands travel across his body; feeling every inch of him. My hands explored lower, and listening to my drunken mind I started to unbutton his pants. That's when I had to stop, Ed put his hands on mine, pulling away from me. "Not here. Let's not do this here."

Even though he was a guy with hormones Ed respected girls. He wouldn't do anything with them that he didn't feel was right, especially in a place like this. "Let's go home. I don't want to leave alone. Come with me."

Without a second of thought I agreed, he brought me to find William, who was dancing with Rachy by this time and we left. During the car ride Ed started talking to me, whispering in my ear. I could tell that he was as drunk as I was, his words slurring. "I want you Char. You are amazing to me. You make me feel good. I need you a lot. You make me blush when I'm around you, or your name is said. Let me come home with you, please let me spend the night with you." The Black Eyed Peas were playing in the background, making me want to dance. Ed kissed me softly again, letting me lead this time.

"Oi! Stop kissin' my sister ya twat. I am sitting right 'ere!" William shouted at us. Ed stopped and laughed.

"I'll stop kissing him if you stop and get us some food. I'm starvin' back here!" I shouted back at him.

He paused for a moment, "Fine, what do you want."

"I don't want anything, I haven't got any money." Ed said.

"Don't worry baby, I'll get something for you." Baby? I thought to myself, did I really just call him baby.

William ended up deciding where we went. I got Ed some chips and cheese with an ale while I sipped on my Bacardi. He ended up feeding me and talking his sweet talk to me. "If I say something do you promise not to run for the hills?" He asked in a serious tone. I nodded, knowing that he'd say something about wanting sex again.

"Well, you know we've been mates and all for a long time and there's been something on my mind, something big that's been there for a long time, and I know that neither of us have ever really wanted to get involved with anyone's past friends and I know that I'm going to regret this, but I just wanted to see if maybe something could change. Like-" He was talking so fast that I was surprised he wasn't dead, but I waited for it. I waited for him to ask about sex, which I knew he was about to. "-me telling you that I'm in love you with you and you are the only thing I need in my life."

My face turned bright red and without me thinking about it I responded, "I love you too Teddy." He looked relieved, but I was still in shock, I didn't know if the alcohol was talking or if it was me or both. He smiled at me, pulling me into his warm body and holding me there. We finished our food and went back to my place. William and Rachy passed out on the couch as soon as we got back. As for me and Ed, well he took me to my room and sang to me until I fell asleep. A huge part of me realized that my drunken state wasn't why I told him I loved him, it was mainly my heart and that frightened me a bit.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now