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Charlotte's POV

Christmas day had finally come, the day I'd waited for since the beginning of December. The whole house smelled of food when I walked out of my bedroom, prancing down the stairs like a small child who had hoped Santa came the previous night. "Dammit Char, how can you be so cheery?" My sister, Chelsea, stood at the bottom with her boyfriend.

"It's Christmas hun, why wouldn't I be happy?" We were twins, but you wouldn't have been able to tell that by how we acted. Yes we looked identical except for two things. I had hazel eyes with hints of blue while she had golden brown eyes. My hair was chocolate brown with natural blonde highlights in the summer, while her hair was auburn.

Her boyfriend, Lewis, held his arms out for a hug. He was a lovely guy that stood an inch taller than us with brown hair and brown eyes. He was a huge superhero nerd so the sight of his new batman tattoo along his wrist didn't surprise me. My arms wrapped around his body, his arms wrapping around my shoulders, "Merry Christmas Pipsqueak."

I giggled at the name, "Thanks Batman!" He smiled at me, ruffling my hair and walking into the kitchen. Chelsea smacked his bum, telling him she'd be in there in a moment. "So, what's going on Char?" I knew what she was talking about but pretended to not know. "I don't know what you are talking about little sis." I said innocently.

"Cut the little sis crap, you're five minutes older than me." I laughed at her, I was only five minutes older, but those five minutes made a huge difference. We were born on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, two separate days, two separate years. "Well little sis, I don't know what you are talking about. Now cut this interrogating thing before I let mum and dad know about your little sleep over with Lewis."

She stopped, eyes narrowing at me. "You wouldn't dare. You love Lewis like a brother and know dad wouldn't allow him back into the house. You'd die without him. So cut the crap, what's going on?" I knew she was right. I'd hate if Lewis wasn't here, he's the only one that consistently watches all my nerdy shows and plays superhero games with me. The doorbell rang and I walked away to get it. "We're just friends Chels; Nothing else."

I opened the door to a very cold looking Ed, his glasses all fogged up, hair wet from the Christmas snow. "Merry Christmas Char." His shoulders were bunched up tight; winter clothing clung closely to his body. He stepped into the house, taking off his coat and scarf, sliding them into the closet. He gave me a lopsided grin before giving me a hug, lips gently kissing my head. "Merry Christmas Teddy."

He handed me my present before walking over to Chels. "Merry Christmas Chels," after digging in his bag he grabbed Chelsea's present and handed it to her. Lewis walked in, plate of food in hand. "Joker!" He shouted, thrusting the plate into Chels' hand before hugging Ed. "Ello there Batman, it's been a while."

Ed had been the reason my sister and Lewis were together. Lewis had been the new guy around here when we first met him a little over five years ago. Chels and I were 15, Lewis was 16 and Ed was 17. Ed invited him to hang out after seeing his batman backpack and the friendship become close. I invited my sister not wanting this guy to be the third wheel and they hit it off.

"How have you been mate? How was America?" Lewis asked. Ed shrugged, "Wasn't bad, really different type of place mate, you should go there sometime. Six Flags has all the superhero rides. The Batman is epic." Lewis' eyes lit up at this. He'd always wanted to ride the Batman ride. "Here mate, got you this." Ed pulled out a box with Batman wrapping paper on it. "Thought about you while I was out there." He smiled at Lewis.

Chels ushered us into the family room, turning on the TV before opening her present. As soon as the lid came off she screamed, "NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T TEDDY!" Her voice was so high pitched I'd thought I'd go deaf. She ran over to Ed kissing him on the cheek, "Thank you so fucking much Ed."

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