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For about an hour Tony, Will and I switched off playing Nazi Zombies. Every time we leveled up the person not playing had to take a shot. At this point they had just leveled up to level 5, but I was already on shot 8. So I didn't take a shot and just watched them. Watching Tony and William playing video games was fun. William would become so angry because Tony could keep a conversation and play. "So, are you excited for the Doctor Who Christmas special?" Tony asked while knifing another zombie then looking towards me.

I nodded with a huge grin, "Yes I am, but I'm more excited to hang out with you, eat crisps and drink hot chocolate all night."

He chuckled, "Well I guess it's a date. Can I bring someone with?" My eyebrow rose with this question. Tony had never asked for anyone to hang out ever. He didn't really like his friends being around me due to the fact that they would hit on me and he felt uncomfortable.

"Depends on who it is?" I smirked, grabbing a spoonful of Will's soup. "Hey! Fuck off!" He slapped the spoon from my hand, sending it across the room. "Dammit Char you made me die, go get me another fucking spoon."

I got up and walked to the kitchen, still wondering who Tony wanted to bring. I looked over at the clock to see that the time that read 2:30 PM then grabbed a spoon along with a bag of crisps. I started back into the kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. When I turned around I saw what it was and instantly became pissed. "What the fuck are you doing walking out of my sister's room?"

My body tensed up as I saw a small bruise on his neck while he walked down my stairs. Once he was standing in front of me he spoke, "I just needed a place to stay for the night. I, uh, couldn't drive home." Ed readjusted his hoodie when he noticed me staring at his neck. His eyes looked at mine as I looked from his neck to his eyes, finally making eye contact. He looked concerned and confused all at the same time.

"Fuck you Ed. Seriously fuck you." I put my hands to his chest shoving him out of my way to run up my stairs, dropping both the spoon and crisps in the process. "Charlotte," he followed me up them, "It's not like that, and you know I'd never do anything with her. You know I wouldn't do that, I'm not that type of person."

By this time Tony and William had heard what was going on, both of them standing at the edge of the stairs. "Get the fuck out of my house Ed." William yelled, running up the stairs towards us with Tony in pursuit. Ed was slammed up against the wall as soon as Will made it past the last stair. "You fucking dickhead, what the hell did you do to my sister this time?" He shouted, face turning bright red while his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping Ed's shirt. Ed opened his mouth to answer before I jumped in.

"William, let him go." My protective side came out for a reason I couldn't understand. Maybe it's the fact that I couldn't stand there and let my brother beat the shit out of the one guy I actually loved. Will turned his head towards me giving me an 'are you serious' type of look. "Yes Will, I am, let him go."

Will loosed his grip on Ed's shirt, glaring at Ed with the most hateful look I've ever seen him give. "Ed, get into my room." Ed breathed a sigh of relief before walking into my room.

Will hugged me before I re-entered my room. "If you need anything we will be in my room." He whispered into my ear motioning to a confused looking Tony. I nodded hugging my big brother before entering my room.

Closing the door I chose not to face Ed, but I could feel him staring at me. "Why are you here Ed? Is it to torture me? Because if it is, you should know you are doing a pretty good job." My voice was barely above a whisper, my head placed against the door.

I could hear him moving before I felt his hand connect with mine. "No Char, I'm not. I really just needed a place to sleep, honest. Your sister wasn't even home last night. I texted her in my drunken state and asked her if I could spend the night here." His other arm grabbed my waist and turned me around, his eyes looking deep into mine, showing me he wasn't lying. My eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and back again. I prayed he didn't notice, but realized he did once he slowly moved his lips to mine. He pulled back, looking into my eyes, "You're drunk Char."

His other arm moved from my hand to my lower back, "Maybe this isn't the best time to be kissing." His hand was lightly rubbing my back, tickling me and causing me to laugh. "Was that funny Char?" A smile crept onto his lips as I pulled away. The second that smile hit his face I knew what he was going to do, so I tried to run, but failed as he grabbed my waist throwing me on my bed.

His hands moved around my body, hitting every ticklish spot he knew of. "Teddy! Stop it!" I shouted through laughs as he sat on my waist. I tried to get him off of me, but nothing would make him stop. "Teddy, please. I surrender, I'll do whatever you want, just stop." I said in between laughs.

He stopped, raising his eyebrows, "Anything?"

I stopped laughing, my face becoming serious, "Yes Teddy, I'll do whatever you want, just no more tickling." I put my hand on his face, feeling his scruffiness.

"Come to my show tomorrow night." When I said anything, I meant it, but now I was regretting it.

I looked into his eyes, seeing how badly he wanted me there. "I don't know." He must have seen my face falling as he asked.

"Okay love, then how's about you let me spend the night with you?" He asked, eyes searching mine for an answer. I let out a small smile, letting him know I'd be okay with that.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now