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Ed’s POV

Charlotte had come back that night while we were in the hotel room sleeping. She left a note to us, letting me know that she was leaving for home and just needed some space. Stuart seemed to kick himself every day for what he said. Alex had been taken over by Taylor once again, I laughed at her uncomfortable new lifestyle. I decided that I was going to try and move on. So, I chose to start sleeping with a girl that I really wish I hadn’t.

Rebecca had come with my parents to visit me in America. It was nice to have someone to sleep next to again, even though most nights she just wanted to be completely physical. I didn’t complain, not because I’m some hormonal asshole, but more so because having physical relations with her took my mind off of Charlotte.

Something would bring memories back, like the pictures I’d see on the social networking sites of my friends with her. The worst being a picture Chelsea had posted of her, Lewis, Charlotte and James. The four of them were sitting at a table in a restaurant. It sent a pang in my heart to see Charlotte with a guy that physically looked good with her.

Another thing that brought back memories were the questions from fans. Charlotte had interacted with them more than Stuart had. Because of her a hell of a lot more people had gotten to meet me; she could never refuse someone wanted to meet me, especially with a sad life story. The meet and greets had still been set up, so I went, but most fans asked about Charlotte. A lot of them did not like Rebecca and I couldn’t blame them. Any time I had a meet and greet she would complain about being bored and try to rush things, whereas Charlotte would try to lengthen things for them. She would even let them watch the concert from the pit and return backstage once I was all changed and ready. She had been an amazing assistant manager to Stuart and an amazing friend to me.

Rebecca and I had been getting together for a little over a month. It was the first of July and I had a few days off until the fourth of July show. She had went to some concert with Taylor, even though Taylor didn’t seemed thrilled, and I took a few personal days to hang by myself in Nashville. I’d been outside, lying on the trampoline in the huge fenced area out back. I wrote a few songs, mainly about Charlotte. She would be the focus of this next album like she had been with the first. I’m sure most of my albums would be about her and us.

The moon shown above me, and I realized I had been out there all day. The night was beautiful. The sky midnight blue with small speckles of light glimmering around in the darkness. Every so often I’d hear the sound of an engine on the street outside or a dog running in the grass outside. There was a slight breeze with me, enough to keep me from getting too hot yet not enough to make me feel cold. The water from the lake crashed upon the shore, giving the whole scene a calming feeling. I set my guitar down next to me, placing my hands above my head. For this one moment I was nearly peaceful, but a small part of me knew that there was one thing that would made this complete.

Charlotte’s POV

Harry pulled into the familiar garage, making sure that we all shut our doors quietly. He waved for us to follow, placing a finger on his lips. All day he had been texting Ed, trying to figure out where he was at what time. It seemed that whenever we would try to find him he’d move or find somewhere new to go. Harry made sure that he was home now, but stopped receiving messages from him around an hour ago. He decided we were going to pop by and see him.

As we made our way to the back I could make out a figure lying on top of the trampoline. Ed had insisted on getting one after using Taylor’s when they were writing their songs together. He’d told me the story about a million and one times and only was allowed to get one because I told Stuart it would help his creative process. We made our way in his direction, but everyone stopped.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now