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Ed’s POV

Charlotte and I were heading for the box office at the venue to confirm that Kyle and his girlfriend were our guests. Her fingers were loosely laced with mine, thumb rubbing mine up and down gently. She stopped walking and faced me, “Better put this on before we get outside, the fans might start a riot if they see you.” She pulled out a beanie, placing it on my head.

She was standing right in front of me, playing with her lip ring as she tried to place the beanie perfectly over my hair. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my body and kissing her gently. She smiled, “Teddy, I need to get this on!” She mumbled against my lips, pulling away. When she was done she gave me a quick kiss on the nose before grabbing my hand again.

Things were bad earlier and I couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for my actions. I knew Charlotte would never cheat on me, she never had in the past and wouldn’t in the future. She probably didn’t trust me as much because of one incident where I had drank too much and ended up waking up undressed next to a girl. Charlotte insisted that she still fully trusted me, but I didn’t trust myself. I couldn’t because of how much I’ve hurt her.

“Teddy,” She waved her hand in front of my face, “Are you alright?” We were outside because she wanted fresh air, but I had stopped in a secluded parking lot outside the venue. I nodded, “Sorry love, I was thinking.” She took out her American phone and looked at it, releasing my hand to type on the screen.

“They will be here in about twenty minutes. Let’s just sit down here for a little bit.” Charlotte sat down on a little loading ledge, her legs swinging over the edge. Since I had few opportunities to smoke I decided it was best to. I pulled out the pack of smokes, pulling one out and lighting it. The smoke filled my lungs as I inhaled, giving me a small rush. Charlotte was playing with her phone and gently singing a song, but she was so quiet that I couldn’t make out many of the words.

As soon as I closed my eyes my mind started to systematically block out all other sounds until the sound of Charlottes voice was the only thing left. She was singing a song I had never heard, but it sounded like a sad break up or love song. I couldn’t exactly tell. “Charlotte, what are you singing?”

I opened my eyes to find her blushing. She looked away from me and I knew I’d have to look up the lyrics later because she wouldn’t be giving me an answer. “Teddy, stop smoking please.” She hated when I would smoke because she hated the smell. She would always tell me it reminded her of her grandmother’s house and London. She didn’t hate London, but she didn’t exactly like the smogginess of it.

“It’s an addiction love, I can’t. Smoking relaxes me.” She shook her head disapprovingly and hopped off the ledge leaning her body into mine. “Plus I don’t like the way it makes you smell. Your natural scent is intoxicating and the smoking smell makes me feel sick.” She scrunched up her nose and started to walk towards the door we needed to go to. Taking a last inhale of my smoke I followed her, grabbing her waist and leaning my head on her shoulder. I moved to her side, placing my arm around her waist and smiling like an idiot.

We walked back into the building, my hands laced with hers. For some reason she wanted to go into the front of the venue where all the fans rushed around getting their preshow tasks done. So far the hood, beanie, cleanly shaven face and sun glasses were hiding me from the fans. Charlotte didn’t really think anyone would notice her so she wore her normal clothing. The red hoodie that was mine hung pretty loose to her body, but seemed to make her look casually beautiful. She wore a beanie with black skinny jeans and a pair of red and black Nikes that I had just gotten her. She wanted to look more American while we were here.

We got to a little landmark in the venue and decided to wait there. She messaged Kyle and told him where we were. I pulled her into my body, her head resting on my chest. It surprised me how many fans passed, but didn’t see the fact that Charlotte, a girl I was always with, was leaning against me. “Your plan worked love.” Charlotte was tired and I seemed to be her only support at this time. I kissed the top of her head, tightening my grip on her small body. We stood there for about twenty minutes until Kyle showed up.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now