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Soon after the kiss began it was over, Ed pulling back suddenly. His eyes confused as he searched mine for answers. "Char, what did you do?" He questioned as I removed my hands from his hair. "When I kiss you my lips feel numb, my whole mouth feels numb."

The thoughts raced through my mind, as I remembered the cocaine I had done before. "I'm sorry," I replied softly as I slid down the wall. "I'm so sorry Teddy." His body moved away from mine, walking over somewhere else. I heard an unfamiliar noise before hearing the familiar click of cell phone keys.

"Was it this?" He said, causing me to look up at him, eyes going wide as I saw my cocaine in his hand. "Charlotte, what the fuck are you doing with this?" I stood up walking towards him, trying to reach for it. "No Char, you aren't getting this back. Now answer me, what are you doing with this?" I didn't want to answer, my breathing once again heavy, heart racing.

"Please Ed, just give it back to me, I'll get rid of it." I grabbed for it before he pulled back, one hand on my wrist the other holding the drug. A few minutes of fighting passed by, he kept asking me questions, while I avoided them reaching for the drug. The arguing would have lasted forever if it wasn't for the loud slam of Ed's front door as it hit the wall.

Heavy footsteps walked towards the room we were in, two familiar voices arguing with each other. "What the hell do you mean addicted to it?! She would never do something so stupid!" Tony's voice was loud, but Will's was louder. "After this whole fucking thing with Ed she turned to it. She turned to other things Anthony, she isn't as innocent as she seems."

Will and Tony's bodies appeared in front of me and Ed, as Will walked over, violently pulling me towards him. "God dammit Charlotte, why in god's name would you do this shit again?" His arms wrapped around my body causing the fear to leave my body and the guilt to slowly creep in. My face buried in Will's body allowing me to breathe in his familiar scent. "Please baby sister, don't do this again. I love you. I can't lose you too."

Will's voice cracked at the sentence, his breathing becoming shaky while he squeezed me tighter. "You told us you stopped. This is my fault. I'm so sorry." Will's voice was quiet. Only Will and I knew why he blamed himself. My parents blamed Will and his friends for getting me into drugs. The truth was Will didn't have anything to do with it. His best friend and my ex-boyfriend, Pete, was the one to get me hooked. He showed me a world of drugs that made the pain go away and a lifestyle that left me with an adrenaline rush. My second hospitalization was nine months after Ed left. I had gotten out 6 months after he went on tour and started hanging around Pete. One of the times we hung out I tried a thing called speedballing, cocaine and heroin all in one. Pete thought it would be fun, a new experience; I feared what the outcome may be but did it anyway. In the end I was right, the outcome was bad.

The night ended with Rachy and Will coming home from a date to find me and Pete passed out in my bed. My breathing was extremely shallow while Pete's was non-existent, his lifeless body curled up to next to mine, holding me like he always did. The last thing I remembered from the night was him kissing me before injecting the drug, telling me not to worry and everything would be alright.

When I woke up in the hospital I was confused, but my first thought was about Pete. My sister told me the news and I remember crying for the millionth time over a boy, except this time it wasn't Ed. I didn't love Pete like I loved Ed, but it still hurt to have another person torn from me. At least with Ed I could go on a website and see that he was alright, but Pete wouldn't be coming back to me and I knew I'd be in the hospital for a while again.

Tony's arms had also wrapped around me, his hands mainly on Will, hugging his older cousin to let him know he was there. We all held onto each other, while Ed walked to the kitchen, making us all a cup of tea. He came into the room holding four mugs, motioning for us to take them. We sat down around the sofa, Will and Tony on one, while Ed and I sat on the other; his hand gently rubbing my back.

"Why don't you all stay here tonight?" He spoke directly looking at Will, "I know you hate me Will, but I still care about you. You were my best mate at one point."

Will nodded, "Where will we all sleep?" In the past Ed and Will would race to the bed, competing for it, but this was different. They weren't on good terms, both of them older and more mature than this. Ed thought for a second, "My parent's room is locked, but you can sleep in my bed since I know it's your favorite, Tone can sleep in my brother's room, Char can sleep in the guest bedroom and I'll sleep on the floor."

Ed looked up at Will, hoping he would approve the sleeping arrangements. Will stared at Ed for a few seconds almost looking like he was arguing with himself in his mind. "Sounds like a deal there bruv."

We all sat there, listening to the gentle crackle of the fire and drinking our tea. Last sips were taken and the fire had started to die out. Will motioned for me and Tony to get up, leaving both of us no choice but to leave Ed sitting on the couch by himself. Ed stood up, following us to the stairs before turning right into the kitchen heading for the linen closet. We all made our way up the stairs, Tony turning into his room while I followed Will into Ed's. Walking over to his closet I grabbed a pair of sweat pants to change into before kissing Will on the cheek and heading to the guest bedroom. I curled up in the bed staring up at the ceiling, heart still racing, head still clouded and tried my best to fall asleep.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now