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After he left all I could think about was every memory we ever had together. I decided to do something completely idiotic of me, I listened to his music. Most of the songs that he had written were for me, or about me. For some reason that made me hate most of his music. I turned on the music and drifted off to sleep, because his voice was still the thing that could calm me down the most.

Flashback 2008

"Hurry up babe! It's time to go! We're gonna be late for the gig!" Rachel's voice shouted over the sound of my music. I reached over muting my speaker system.

"Rachy, you know, we've seen Ed perform over a million times, what difference does this make?" I asked nonchalantly. She smirked, shrugging her shoulders. "Plus it's a house party, nothing ever starts on time."

I grabbed the bottle, pouring us each a shot of Bacardi Apple. Rach got off my bed and grabbed her chaser. "Three, two, one." We pushed our heads back, swallowing the burning liquid down. This was my favorite drink out there. I loved it more than anything. Placing the shot glass on my desk I headed to the mirror. After a couple minutes of staring I pondering what to do with my hair, deciding it was best to put it up. I wasn't trying to impress anyone; everyone at this party was someone I already knew. Plus James wouldn't be there tonight, so I had no one to worry about.

We ended up leaving at half ten, getting into my brothers car. "For fuck sake's Charlotte, you take a long time to get ready!"

"Oh shut up William! You know that I was only giving you time to finish your wank over Rachy." William gave me the death glare and Rach's face turned as red as her hair. They always liked each other, but neither of them would try to do anything about it.

William put the car in drive and started going towards the party. "William, did you get the Bacardi?" I asked while looking at my face. I should have put some make up on. I looked dead.

He reached down by my feet grabbing a bag with a bottle in it, "Yes I did ya alcoholic. Maybe you should slow down ya fish, I don't need ya dying on me before we even get to the place."

I stuck my tongue out at him; he always found it fun to treat me like a child.

We pulled up to the party a few minutes later and a quarter of the bottle was already gone from me drinking. I stood up to get out of the car, stumbling towards the door of the house. A guy stuck his hand out in front of the door, "Do I know you?"

My eyes looked him up and down, "No ya don't, but I'm here for the house show."

"Sorry sweetheart, but we don't let just anyone in, maybe ya friend, but you don't seem like the partying type of girl." He smirked, looking down at my bottle and challenging me. I raised the bottle to my mouth about to take a chug when a hand covered my mouth before the bottle could hit my lips.

"She's with me Bruv." A familiar voice said to him. The guys face fell and he walked away.

"Teddy I was going to out drink him. You always ruin my fun." I pouted as I turned to look at him. "And I hate when you use the word bruv, it's not your thing."

He just laughed, "I don't want you dying tonight, it's gonna be a special night tonight. Just you watch." He stared into my eyes. I looked away, feeling uncomfortable at the way he looked at me.

"If you say so. Are you sure that James isn't going to be here?" I asked, half of me wanting him here, the other half worried that I didn't look good enough.

"He's inside right now." My face fell. James was someone I had wanted for a while. After me and a few others tried at a relationship, James became the guy I set my eye on. I started to take the hair tie out of my hair. "Love, stop it. You look fit."

I sighed. "You know I hate when you use words like that Teddy, It's not like you." He pulled out a Benson and lit it up; inhaling the smoke deeply before blowing it in my face. "You know I HATE when you do that Ed. If you are gonna be smoking then I'm going inside. Want anything?"

He just blew the smoke out again, not answering my question. So I knew that this meant he was ignoring me. Possibly because I talked about James or because I got annoyed by how he smoked. "Alright, I'll see you inside." Instincts made me lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek. I pulled away, realizing what I did. He just smiled, taking another inhale from his smoke. As I walked away I was thought about how soft his face was. Meaning he must have shaved recently. I did love when he was scruffy, but a clean shave was a new thing for him.

When I walked inside Rachy, William and a few others waved me over to their circle of people. They had brought some shot glasses and started taking shots; I decided that I was going to take pulls instead. After a couple a pulls, dancing with them and listening to the music I saw James. He was looking gorgeous. His hair was cut so properly, he was wearing a shirt that fit nice and a pair of jeans that revealed some things down below.

He smiled when he saw me. So being in my drunken state I walked over to him. He started whispering to me about how amazing I looked and how he wanted to spend the night with me while we danced. At that moment I knew that he would be the man I'd go home with.

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now