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After the tickling fiasco Ed played music for me, mainly all the songs he had written about me and him, well the good songs. I had gone downstairs and made myself a drink at some point, which was keeping me drunk and making me feel happiness. I watched Ed as he played. His hands danced across the guitar strings, eyes closed with a small smile across his face.

“Ed,” I cut in while he was singing Firefly. He stopped playing, looking in my direction. “Why did you leave?”

He placed the guitar on the opposite side of my bed, putting his arm around my waist, pulling me into his body before lying down. My head was on his chest, his heart beating slowly. He inhaled deeply, mind searching for the right words to say. After a brief moment of silence he spoke, “To be honest, I was afraid. We had been fighting so much Char, too much. All of our fighting was because I made a bad decision, a reckless one. I chose to ignore you when you needed me the most, because I was afraid of what to do, afraid that my image would be ruined. At the time that seemed like the most important thing to keep up, ya know, the whole genuine good guy image, but after a while the guilt consumed me. My manager said it would be best to just forget the situation had ever happened, but I couldn’t.” One of his hands gently stroked my arm while the other hand played with my fingers.

“You weren’t the one that broke my heart like people think; you and I both know that, I was the one that broke my own heart along with yours. I’m not even going to say that I was young and afraid because I know you are younger and things were worse on your end. I mean hell; you were the girl that was carrying my son. A child that we made together and I started writing Small Bump, because I was happy, excited. The first version of the song was happy, about how I would treat him and you, but when you had the miscarriage the song changed, because I had changed. I wanted him to be ours, so we could be a family together.” My breathing became shaky and his arms wrapped around me holding me close as the tears started to fall.

”I wish I could go back Charlotte, I do. I’d rather have you than any of the fame.” Ed stopped talking, kissing me lightly on the head. “Please Char, let me fix this. I’ll do whatever it takes, honest, I will. If you want me to stop my career I will. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please, think about it.”

Ed played with my hair, gently humming one of his songs. It took a while, but my breathing had calmed down. The whole time he spoke his voice was pained, as if remembering what he did hurt him more than it hurt me. “Teddy?” I asked, raising myself up to look at him. His eyes met mine. “Uhm, I love you.”

He smiled moving his face closer to kiss me, “I love you too Char.”

I stood up from my bed, ruffling his bright orange hair, “Let’s go get some food, I’m hungry.” I said, patting my stomach, “You know what I want right?”

Ed smiled, pulling on his hoodie and shoes, “Yeah, I think I know.” We got up and walked out my bedroom, down the stairs and to his car. Things would be a little different than normal, considering that Ed was now famous and it is pretty hard to hide that bright orange hair of his. 

Tell Her That I Need Her (An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction) (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now