Future meets past

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Luffy's POV

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Luffy's POV

He was falling, his face had a huge wide grin on it, anyone else would have been screaming. But this boy didn't seem to know what fear was, he had a bad habit of laughing in the face of death. The clouds swept past him, the wind was loud and yet the boy seemed to relish the rush of his fall. It was only when the boy noticed the wide stretch of ocean below him that he suddenly grimaced, well that was a problem. Searching, his eyes had tears streaming down his face from the wind hitting them, then a moment later his wide eyes fixed on a cluster of warships. He was too close to the ships to adjust his landing, he was spinning out of control and the last thing he remembered was hitting the hard wooden deck. Loud panicked yells followed, as the boy slowly lost consciousness.

Dragon's POV (1st person)

I kicked the door loudly, that shitty old man.


I shouted. My call bounced off the empty room, finding nobody to receive my angry yell. Growling in frustration, I once again aimed a kick at the wooden door, the sea stone shackles were making me tired, weak and pathetic, I was so pissed off that my kick missed my target.


My legs buckled under me, causing me to land on my ass. I could scream! For a while I sat there, my heart burned with anger, my face buried in my knees, my arms sat on top of my thighs and all the while I panted out pained curses.

How could my old man claim to care about me when he wouldn't even listen to my wish's, I didn't want to be a marine and I had always made that clear. Yet after a long rowing match, he'd decided the best course of action was to lock me in a room and shackle me like some kind of freaking criminal. I missed my devil fruit, with it I would have been able to easily escape this place.

Freedom sounded like a small impossible dream, the marines had no understanding of the meaning. Their brand of "justice" was just another word for control, I had heard a lot of nasty rumours and I was sure that those dirty little secrets were true. There was no way in hell I'd ever sink to the low that the old man had, I would never become the world governments dog. I'd rather die.


I knew my screams were going to fall on deaf ears, but I still roared out my rage and pain. If I didn't, it would eat me alive...

"Hey is someone there?"

A voice rang out on the other side of the door, followed by a knock. I didn't know that voice. It sounded kinda young and boyish?

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