The aftermath

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Marco POV

Marco was perched on top of the crow's nest belonging to the Moby Dick, his gaze scanning over the sinking Marine ships. Pops should have been back by now, he really wanted to fly off and find him, but he would probably get in trouble.

You're only an apprentice you can't go on a dangerous marine ship, stay here and wait with Jozu and Vista...

He grumbled, irritated at his older sister's words, Whitey bay always said stuff like that. Pops said something similar, but Marco generally listened to him.

If it wasn't for Pops saying that he shouldn't interfere, he would have completely ignored Whitey and flown off by now.

"Oi! Marco can you see him yet?"

Vista shouted up at him, Marco swung his feet over the edge of the platform and jumped off. Catching a breeze under his wings on the way down, slowing his descent. He landed in front of his brother with ease.

"No, yoi"

Vista sighed looking rather put out, he ran his hand through his bangs.

"Seriously, what's taking him so long?"

Marco shook his head, looking a little lost. It was pretty unusual, normally once Pops called for a retreat, he would have been just behind them. On occasion he would hold back the enemy if they were in a pretty difficult situation. Pops never turned his back in a fight, not until the other side was either dead or he deemed them no longer a threat, which meant they were too beaten into the ground to be one.

But this was worrying.

"I don't know, yoi"

He was suddenly crushed from behind, his eyes slid to the cause of said crushing. Jozu was clinging to him, which was pretty much like having a grown bear hug you. His little brother meant well, he was a sweet, sensitive kid. The 12 year old hardly ever spoke and if he did it was normally spoken softly and followed by an apology.

Poor kid was obviously upset, he was a bit of a worry wart. And as much as Marco loved the big doof, it didn't mean he loved having his air squeezed out of his lungs.

"Jozu, yoi... let go I can't breathe"

Jozu flinched, instantly letting go, he looked down at his shoes sheepishly

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Jozu flinched, instantly letting go, he looked down at his shoes sheepishly.


Vista chuckled, patting him on the shoulder affectionately.

"Jozu you needed to be more careful, your bear hugs are lethal."

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