A much-needed conversation

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Dragon's POV

I was woken abruptly when I rolled on my hand, it was like I been stabbed. I shot up, hands clinched, which only made the pain so much worse! Grinding my teeth together trying not scream, my lungs were so painful I was reluctant to actually breathe. Then the light hit my eyes, briefly being dazzled.

Where was I?

How did I get here?

What happened?

All these questions assaulted my brain, each one could spell disaster. They were overwhelmingly successful at making me what to bash my head on a wall.

What happened to Luffy?

Then I remembered!

My eyes flew open again, trying to spot the kid who had been lying motionless in front of me a minute earlier.

We're on a sinking ship, we need to leave! Whitebeard was there too, he was fighting the old man. Then there was an earthquake and...


Wait aren't we on the Marine ship?

The place I was sat wasn't the deck of the old man's flagship, it definitely wasn't falling apart, bits of wood weren't raining down on us. There was no earthquake, no Yonko and no old fart...

I was in a dark room, it was stuffy and warm, the only source of light was from an oil lamp next to a door. I was sat in a bed, when was the last time I had been in a bed?

Before the incident with the Admiral, when I had gotten the hand cuffs maybe?

Or was it before that?

Is this an infirmary? I did wreck my hands; it would make sense. This doesn't look like one I recognize.

Every infirmary I'd been to on a Marine vessel looked the same, right down to the layout of the beds and even the equipment. I should know I'd visit them often enough.

This definitely wasn't one.

This was much smaller, more basic. There wasn't even any medical equipment, no heart monitors or random machines I didn't know the name of.

There was only one other bed in the room, across from me it was pushed up into the corner, which I realised Luffy was laying in.

I was going to pull my blanket off when I realised that my hands were literally bound together with bandages, they had been wrapped up so much that my fingers weren't even visible. It looked like I was wearing oven mitts, only my thumbs were also pinned under the dressing as well.

My shackles were still present though some gauze had been shoved between my skin and the metal. They hadn't been so comfortable for a long time. Though they had never been comfy, but they hadn't started to rub badly until the last few months.

My eyes caught sight of my chest briefly, as I kicked off the bed clothes. My torso was covered in bandages too, no wonder it hurt so much, the gauze were so tight that I could see my ribs through them.

It doesn't matter I need to check on Luffy, make sure his okay.

I was about to swing my legs off the bed when a sharp voice froze me in place.

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