Accidents happen

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Luffy enjoyed fishing, it reminded him of the time he spent on the Sunny. Relaxing with his crew, whittling away the days. It brought back some normality to his life.

He might not admit it but he was homesick, the young  captain missed his crew, they were his precious friends. They gave him the strength he needed to see his dream to fruition.

Now he felt lonely, some of his strength had started to waver. They were the reason he hadn’t completely lost it when Ace died.
Before he knew he would see them again, the situation he was in now didn’t guarantee it.

To some extent he understood the trouble he was in, if Luffy did something wrong, like telling someone he was from the future, it might cause him not to meet one of his crew.
He didn’t really get how that could cause something like that, but Luffy did trust Dragon. If he told him that, then he would believe him.

This was one of the causes for his homesickness in the first place, the fear that he would never see his home again. His ship and friends were his home, the thought of never having that again made his stomach knot.

“Hey, I got one yoi!”

Marco was pulling at his fishing pole with heavy effort, tugging it towards him in an attempt to haul his thrashing fish.

Luffy reached over effortlessly, helping his young friend to tear the thing out of the water. The large brute was thrown into the air, souring over the railing, Magician leapt after it, slicing the fish up with relative ease with his sword.

The now sushi fell into a messy pile, definitely lacking the expertise that Zoro did. The dark haired teen landed unsteadily, slipping on some fish guts and fell on his butt.

Luffy and Marco burst out laughing at the rather spectacular fail, causing their swordsman friend to blush profusely.
Even Jozu snorted a quick giggle which he immediately hide with his arm. The only one who didn’t react was Dragon, he stayed in the same spot by the railing, back resting against it, without looking up.

“Boy am glad I saw that! Ah, I've missed my eyes, I’m never gonna take them for granted again, yoi"

That was true, today marked the first day that Marco had been allowed to take his blindfold bandages off. He was in such a good mood because of it. He hadn’t stopped smiling all morning.

“Wow, Magician that was terrible! Shishishi! That’s not very swordsman-y”

“Yessss, Haha it’s very funny! Vista fell on his butt! Seriously guys I’m in training leave me alone...”

The young swordsman snapped defensively, as he waved his sword back and forth in annoyance, face bright red like a tomato.

“Pfffppp okay, okay! We’ll stop, yoi"

Marco clapped his hand over his mouth, trying to keep his laughter in. Luffy just continued, rolling around on his back.


Luffy finally managed to quiet his cackling, turning his head and forcing his mouth into his shoulder muffling it.

For a while afterwards Magician refused to cut up anymore fish, until Luffy and Marco apologised and even then he was only half-hearted.

The young captain didn’t care, he was having fun regardless. It almost felt like home, even if it was only a little.

 They were getting a pretty good haul, maybe the chefs would finally forgive him and Dragon once they gave them the fish.
When lunch rolled around, Luffy and his friends carried their produce down to the Galley.

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