Its a me! Marco!

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Dragon's POV

I didn't really want us to go along with Whitebeard and the blonde kid, (I think his name was Mario) I would have preferred to find our own way to the top of the ship. Yet Luffy had pretty much made the decision for us, I couldn't exactly say no after he agreed to come with them, it would look suspicious.

So here we were, being 'escorted' (because that's what it was) by one of the Yonko and his weird little crewmate. I'm sure we were being led topside into some kind of trap.

Luffy had become 'friends' with Mario. The two of them had bonded over harassing me. They thought my moody attitude was very funny, also breaking both of my hands was very stupid.

I didn't need them telling me that!

Also, I wasn't moody, I was the only sane individual in this entire group. Just because I didn't immediately beco-

Dragon calm down, there isn't a point in getting bent out of shape. It wouldn't help you; it will only make the situation worse.

I focused my attention back on the raven and the blonde, I had to make sure Luffy didn't blow his cover, he had nearly done it numerous times already in the short time that he had been talking to the other pirates.

Why are you such a pain... besides aren't you a pirate? Shouldn't you at least know how to lie, even a little?

It was honestly a miracle the kid had survived for two years as a pirate, let alone in such a dangerous place as the New World. His crew must be crazy to follow him, I could just imagine the amount of crap they had to put up with on a daily basis. Unless they were just as insane as he was, then fair play to them, they must be a nightmare for the government.

The boys were chattering away in excitement, I listened in, making sure Luffy didn't open his big mouth about anything important.

"Yeah, I can get stabbed and everything, then my flames will heal it, yoi!"

Luffy had his arms crossed in concentration, taking in everything the blonde boy was saying. Why he would listen to something like this and not take any interest in something life threatening?

"So, you're a logia zoan?"

Luffy asked frowning, I could almost see the cogs in his brain turning as he tried to work out what he was being told.

"Nope, Mythical Zoan Phoenix model, yoi. I'm not made of fire like a Logia is, it's more like I'm on fire, yoi...?"

Luffy nodded deep in thought with his hand under in chin, he actually looked intrigued.

"So, a mystery bird, that isn't made of fire, but is a bird and has fire?"

I watched my dumb kid tell Mario triumphantly, as if anything he had just said made any sense at all.

"Yup, yoi"

Wait he understood what Luffy said!? How? That was literal gibberish!

"I gotta know, you have a devil fruit right, yoi?"

The raven beamed merrily, as he dragged Mario away from a wall he almost collided with, I had no idea how he had the patience to keep catching the boy.

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