Back with the future king of the pirates

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“Luffy! Come on move your ass!” I yelled; however, my frustration fell on deaf ears as I tried to yank the stupid kid from the candy man. He was practically beaten into the biscuit floor, his eyes blank and his nose snapped at a nasty angle.
“Dragon! Let go! I’m gonna send tongue guy flying!” The raven snapped, as he continued to fight in my grip. It was like holding onto a flailing rubber monkey.
Gah, what is wrong with my stupid kid?
“Are you two coming? Believe it or not I’m not big on swimming...” Whitebeard grumbled, he was stood to the side, his eyes full of aspiration. “You sure you don’t want me to grab the brat?”
“No! No, I’m good!” I shook my head, my arms wrapped around Luffy’s stomach as I tried to fly off with him, it made no difference, he wasn’t letting go of big mom's son. “Luffy leave him! This ship is sinking come on!”
“See son, funny thing is I don’t think you have...” The old man sighed, finally shouting a “Lu, let go of him! The brat is out-!” But Luffy interrupted him before he could finish, turning his angry gaze on the Yonko “PEDRO DIED BECAUSE OF TONGUE GUY! I'M GONNA SEND THE BASTARD FLYING!”
I didn’t know who this Pedro was, but it did make sense why Luffy was so outraged, however that didn’t stop the boat from sinking. “I-" What was I supposed to say? Don’t worry about that? Of course not... I was sympathetic. Yet sympathy wasn’t going to get us out of this mess.
 Not to mention Luffy had beaten up this guy was bad enough. Who knows what stuff could happen to the future just for that happening alone? What a bloody mess.
The old man had decided enough was enough, without a word, the blonde man marched over to Luffy and picked him up without much trouble. The young captain wasn’t having any of it, flailing, kicking and shouting, Whitebeard took no notice.
“Alright let’s get back to Moby...” The Yonko muttered quietly, I had let go of Luffy, I was still floating absently in the air “Uh, right. Thanks...”
The old man just shrugged, turning his attention back towards the Moby Dick in the distance and then to my absolute horror, he ran straight for the edge of the boat and leapt from it. Then a cracking sound of glass rang out into the air, making the world shake and Whitebeard was sent flying upwards.
Briefly stunned for a moment, it took me a split second to understand what had occurred. He had used the shock wave he had created as a way to launch himself, pretty crazy... this mans devil fruit was insane.
I flew after him, skimming over the ocean, when I reached the deck of Moby Dick, everyone was already badgering Whitebeard about the treasure he had stolen. He had practically stuffed the entire vault into a huge bag, which he was currently defending “Get off you little vultures! I stole it so it’s mine! You know the bloody rules!”
“Come on Pops you don’t need all that!”
“Yeah, give us some!”
“Stingy old man"
“SHUT UP THE LOTTA YA! You brats want to eat, right? The ship still needs fixing! This isn’t for me!” The Yonko snapped, this seemed to have the desired effect, the crew went quiet abruptly.
I finally noticed Luffy, he was still stuck under the old man’s arm, the boy looked out of it, distant even, he wasn’t struggling anymore or yelling. He was completely blank...
I walked over, more then a little concerned, especially considering the way he had been acting not even ten minutes ago. “Luffy? Are you okay?”
Luffy didn’t respond, his gaze was glassy. I waved my hand in front of his face, no reaction, so in a light panic I prodded his cheek. Nothing... That was disturbing, hell, I don’t think I’d ever even seen him sit still for this long. Whitebeard took notice after a moment, letting Luffy out of his grip, but instead of the kid bouncing straight away like he normally would have, he flopped onto his rubber face, going splat.
That did make me panic then, I lent over him pulling his face up from the planked deck floor. He’s face was still blank, nothing in his expression or his ordinarily bright cheerful eyes. He was still staring off into the distance in a daze. When I called his name and I shook him, still no reaction.
I jumped all of a sudden when a large hand was placed lightly on my back, startled I looked over to who it belonged to. The old man was giving me a reassuring smile, he looked concerned, but admittedly it was pretty well hidden, but there nonetheless.
“Dragon I think your brother is fine, probably tired from his fight, we should take him back to your cabin" he told me, which left me confused, Luffy wasn’t tired, he was in some kind of weird daze, nothing about this was fine.
“But Lu-" I started only to be interrupted with Whitebeard saying a little firmer this time “Come on, it’s too loud here, Luffy needs some sleep in a quiet cabin"

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