Big brother Ace

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Luffy's POV

Marco was climbing the stairs precariously, the straw-hat captain kept him in his line of sight. He had taken it upon himself to insure his new friend didn't get hurt more, especially after he learned that Sakazuki was the bastard that had burnt him.

The younger teen stumbled after he missed a step, falling in reverse, Luffy grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and tossed him onto his back. That was the last straw, he decided giving him a piggyback would be easier.

The boy couldn't understand why his friend didn't accept the Yonko's offer to carry him. It wasn't like it troubled the young captain anyway. It's not like the kid weighted that much, in fact Luffy found him almost too light.

They joked around until the sky came into view, then Luffy broke into a run, springing over Whitebeard and into the open with a laugh and a grin.

As soon as Luffy and Dragon were on top deck, several things happened.

First Luffy set Marco down, his friend literally just had his feet on the floor, then next thing he knew the blonde was swallowed in a giant hug by a guy. He was chubby with black cornrows, his face was round and childish. It took the raven a moment to realise that he was a just really big kid.

Another boy came running after the young boy, who scolded him for 'bear hugging' Marco, he let go of the fire bird beginning to bow his head and apologising profusely.

Luffy found the situation rather funny, chuckling at Marco's attempts to ease the boys "sorry's".

Marco told him that this kid was his baby brother, this got a small reaction out of Dragon, which was hardly even noticeable. Except to Luffy that was, who was extremely good at reading people.

The boy just accepted that this was Marco's little brother without much care, after all blood wasn't everything. Luffy knew that better than anyone.

Next a small crowd gathered around them, most likely coming to gawk at Luffy and Dragon, the younger raven just ignored them in favour of introducing himself and Dragon to Marco's brothers.

The young captain decided that he liked the other two boys, they seemed nice and Marco was really fond of them. Not to mention Luffy assumed that these were the brothers the blonde was protecting from Sakazuki.

Marco was a good brother!

The little audience was talking in hushed voices, some mean comments were thrown their way, mostly to do with Gramps. Luffy just shrugged them off, not really giving a fly heck about what they thought.

They didn't like Gramps but that was nothing to do with him.

Luffy glanced at Dragon, he was staring absolute daggers, despite having a blank face.

The Yonko shooed them off when he noticed the long haired raven starting to get irritated. He looked a little concerned about Dragon, regarding him thoughtfully.

After a moment the older captain closed his eyes wearily and the way he slumped his shoulders it wasn't just his eyes that were tired. He motioned to Marco's older brother Vista, he came over with the warning to the youngest brother to leave Marco alone or to at least not crush him.

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