Who's Blackbeard?

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Whitebeard's POV

Luffy once again aimed a punch at a piece of wood in front of him, a look of deep concentration on his face. He was taking this training seriously, something that surprised Newgate. He figured that the boy would do it for a little while and then would get bored. But no he'd been at this for over 2 hours now.

"Was that right? No that's not either!" Luffy whined, as his fist smashed through another broken bit of timber.

There was growing pile of wooden splinters in front of him. Newgate sighed, giving Marco sympathetic smile, his son was making a rather irritated expression.

"I thought you said you guys would be finished by now, yoi" The blonde boy complained.

"Marco I did promise to help Luffy with this, remember..."

"Yeah, but that was hours ago! And then you guys had to fix the ship too, yoi!"

"We did some training earlier, if I remember correctly you boys lost." The Yonko reasoned, he knew this was nothing to do with the training, it had to do with not being able to hang out with Luffy.

Marco liked training, however it had always been more of a game to him then anything else.

"This is boring, yoi..."

"Lu is just taking it seriously, if anything that's good"

"But why? He's already super strong, does he need to be stronger, yoi?" Marco grumbled.

"Son, it's never a bad thing to be stronger. Anyway if you're so bored why don't you go find Vista and Jozu. You know, luffy isn't going to be here forever."

The blonde boy's shoulders slumped, he glanced away a little sadly. "That's the point he isn't going to be here for long, so I gotta make the most of him, yoi"

The blonde man also slouched, he knew what Marco meant, in fact the Yonko was not overly happy about that either. He'd gotten quite attached to the kid, especially in the last couple of days. The thought of not seeing him again until Newgate was in his early 70's really upset him.

Then again he would still have Dragon. He would only be losing one son, instead of two.

That was something.

He had every intention of helping Dragon reach his goal, his dream, he wasn't going to stand in the way of it like Garp did.

Even if the angry brat never saw him as his father, even if he hated him for it. Newgate was going to make sure that he became a damn good revolutionary, one that would screw with the Marines and the Tenryubito.  He would change the world for the better.

Because if anybody knew how bad the system was it was the Yonko. His village had been left to rot by the World government, just because they were poor. 

It wasn't just that anyway. Dragon needed somebody, despite his attitude he really needed a family. Of course they would never replace the one he had lost, with his mother and his less of a jackass of a father. However, he kid needed a sense of belonging, to feel that he was important and to feel that he was loved.

Newgate remembered just how empty he felt growing up without that. Sure Dragon was 25, that didn't stop the need for a family.

He was just one of his older kids.

As for Luffy, did he even count as his son at this point? He only took in kids that actually needed a parent, however the boy already had a dad that thought the world of him.

So that would mean Luffy was his grandson? When the boy was born, Newgate would definitely be more Grandfather aged.

He nodded satisfied with that thought. He had a grandson. That was great too. It just meant he would have a small Luffy running around at some point.

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