Not doing so good

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Luffy’s POV

Luffy was perched next to Dragon’s sleeping form, he was starting to get worried now. He hadn’t woken up since this morning, Luffy didn’t know much about sickness but he did know that a fever was bad. Dragon had one and it was really bad.

When the younger raven had come back the night before he hadn’t known what to expect, but when he arrived Dragon had been deep asleep. So the boy had left him, he hadn’t been sleeping very well anyway and sleep was good in his book.

Then he had woken up early in the  morning, like around two or three am, Dragon was making some weird noises, so like the concerned friend he was, Luffy had climbed down from his hammock, checking to see if he was okay.

The man was sweating profusely, he was red like a tomato and he was heaving unsteadily. This time he was awake, he had his eyes fixed on his shaking hand, the shackles were digging into his skin.

Poor Dragon was in agony.

When Luffy had asked what was happening, the older raven had assured him that he was perfectly fine. Which the boy immediately denied, he had been about to go find someone, however Dragon stopped him.
He had somehow convinced the straw-hat captain that he just needed sleep and if he got somebody he would be angry at Luffy.

This brought them back to the present situation, with Dragon having not woken up and his fever was significantly worse. The bandage on his left arm had started to go a nasty black colour, the handcuff was crushing his wrist, speckles of blood was seeping from the wound.

At this point Luffy had been about to get up and find someone, so what if Dragon was angry with him, he didn’t care. He was sick and in pain, being mad at him didn’t even bother him. The boy had respected Dragon’s wish, he had left him be, mostly because he was sad and upset, Luffy hadn’t wanted to make it worse but now that really didn’t matter.

Then there was a loud rapping on the door, it was different from the one’s earlier, this one was a lot more firm and unhesitant. Luffy didn’t even need to see who it was, he knew already, the large presence was unmistakable.

He better be sober now, he did not want to deal with that again. Especially with Dragon in his current state.

The person didn’t wait for a answer, letting themselves in. Luffy didn’t really care all that much, that was if he wasn’t going to be annoying like last night.

Whitebeard peered around the frame, he had to duck his head so he didn’t hit it.

“You’re not drunk, right?” Luffy queried, he eyed the man suspiciously.

“Ah no... just a bit hungover.”

“Good, you’re annoying when your drunk.”

The raven turned his attention back to Dragon, wondering if he should tell the Yonko, the older Monkey didn’t really like him all that much.

“I just wanted to check on you boys"

The blonde man was still hanging back by the door, trying to give them some space. Luffy did appreciate that, particularly after his clingy drunken stupor.

“Dragon’s sick.”

Whitebeard seemed to take that as some kind of invitation to come in, he came over to stand by the bed where Luffy was sat.

“How long has he been like this?” The man sounded extremely concerned.

“Since last night, he was making weird noises and it woke me up. I was going to get someone, but Dragon said no. He’s stubborn like that. He was upset so I left him alone, when I got up this morning he was worse, thought I’d wait until he woke up, but he hasn’t...” Luffy explained.

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