Chains of fate

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Luffy's POV

Luffy watching Dragon’s chest raise and fall, it looked painful, the way it would heave unsteadily for a moment, then fall all too quickly.

Where was the old man? Couldn’t he hurry up!

The younger raven prodded the older in the cheek, his skin was burning to the touch and the sweat drenching his face was making the not so smart boy wonder if he could drown in his own sweat.

For the sixth time in the last five minutes, he got up, peering out of the door, when nobody was there he wandered back over to Dragon and sat down again.

"Come on! Hurry! Up!"

Luffy had never been good at waiting, patience had never been his forte, though when in a situation similar to this one, he was a lot worse. The boy had to do something about a problem, if that problem wasn’t being sorted, it got him riled up, then he did stupid stuff.

And the teenager was getting to that point too, he was seriously considering tossing Dragon on his back and going to find the mean old lady himself.

Thankfully Whitebeard reappeared, also Marco, which brightened Luffy up to no end. He felt guilty for ignoring him earlier, to be fair the raven hadn’t heard him until he started walking away from the door. By that time it was too last.

The mean old lady came in behind them, she had a very angry face, the cigar in her mouth wasn’t helping the already antagonist vibe she was giving off, however Luffy didn’t care, he was just glad she had come to help Dragon.

“Move!” The old woman snapped, clicking her fingers in front of the boys eyes, Luffy gave her a unimpressed grunt, but got out of the way. He knew from Chopper that doctors needed space, the reindeer was much, much nicer about it though.

The straw-hat captain took a spot next to Marco, who gave him a sympathetic smile, Luffy returned the smile with wide grin. He was just happy that the blonde teen wasn’t upset with him.

“How is he old lady?” The raven asked after a moment, the woman looked up at him, a irritated gaze fixed on him, Luffy ignored it and regarded her with hopeful eyes.

“He’s got sea stone poisoning, if those handcuffs don’t come off his going to lose his left hand.” She answered without any remorse, shrugging her shoulders indifferently.

Luffy’s expression dropped immediately, Marco patted his back gently, a comforting gesture, yet he didn’t feel better.

“Well get'em off then!” The raven retorted without a second thought, he was bristling angrily. No way was he losing a hand! Dragon liked his hands!

The mean old lady opened her mouth, but was interrupted by Whitebeard, an attempt to calm the situation down a little.

“If it was that simple those handcuffs would have come off as soon as you both arrived. The problem is that those aren’t norma-“

Despite the Yonko’s best efforts to keep his answer nice and gentle, it really didn’t stop Luffy from getting even more impulsively upset, he didn’t wait for the man to finish.

“So those are stuck on him! He likes his hands! I won’t let anyone else take stuff from him, he just got to be free now, he’s going to lose his hand!”

Marco at this point was trying and failing to calm his friend down, the raven teen was getting way too wound up. Luffy was starting to look incredibly scary, his eyes weren’t brightly cheerful, they were dark and menacing.

“Oi! Shut it brat, if I want to chop his damn hands off I’m going to, it’s the easiest way!” The old woman growled, this really didn’t help, it just made Luffy madder, in fact he was really contemplating punching her.

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