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Garp's POV

Garp was tossing and turning, his back was caked in a cold sweat, but whatever he did he couldn't wake up.

Where was he? He wasn't entirely sure.
On occasion he'd hear low voices speaking, though he couldn't make out what they were saying.

One thing he did know, was the last thing he could remember was the cold empty water dragging him down. That and he really needed to save his son, Dragon couldn't swim, he had to get to him but he couldn't because he was sinking.

But that wasn't the only problem, he kept being tormented by a memory that he didn't want to surface.

Yet it did.

Time and time again it would assault him and every single time he would try and fail to getaway. He tried desperately to claw his way out of his unconsciousness, however he couldn't.

The memory would form, a woman was sat behind bars, Garp was desperate he wanted to get her out. He wanted to save his beloved Maria!

Garp stood in the lift his feet were tapping urgently, couldn't this thing go faster.

Sengoku was watching him from the corner, his friend was there to make sure he didn't do something stupid.

This place was called Impel Down, it was the most secure prison in the entire world, it's reputation unmatched, nobody got out of here.

The person he was here to see was somebody important to him, no scratch that she was everything to him.

His beloved Maria, his wife.

She was always telling him not to do reckless things, yet she had gone and done the most stupid thing you could possibly do.

She had killed a Tenryubito.

Not only had she refused to answer a Buster call, that was bad enough, Maria had done the one thing that was most forbidden.

That's why the Vice Admiral was here, he had come to see her before she was executed.

He had every intention of busting his wife out of here, that was also why his best friend had come with him, to stop him from doing such a thing.

He really hated Sengoku for that, this was his wife! Couldn't he get that through his thick skull.

He didn't care about his position, he just wanted his wife. They would escape, grab their son and run! Live on a deserted island if it was possible, he was going to keep them alive, that's all he wanted!

When the gates of the lift opened he dashed out, running passed cell after cell, desperate to find his Maria.

Sengoku was close behind him, imploring him to slow down and think about what he was doing.

Garp ignored him.

He began to shout, call out her name, eager to find her. All he got in response was vile taunts from the inmates, some of these criminals he had put away himself.

The Vice Admiral didn't care, banging on one the cages loudly to shut them up, the jeers slowly started to waver, as he threatened to hurt them, if they didn't.

Then he spotted her curled up asleep in the corner of her cell. She looked beaten and bloody, it made his blood boil who was the bastard that had done this to her?

He would kill them!

Garp didn't hesitate, charging over slamming his fist sharply into the cage door. The door didn't even budge, he wasn't allowed the keys Sengoku wouldn't let him.

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