Cooks for days

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Luffy's POV

Luffy was fixated on several large slabs of meat on a plate, it was just sat there ripe for the taking. The straw-hat captain was hidden behind a barrel in a pantry cupboard, the other raven next to him was grinning almost rubbing his hands together in anticipation, but his bandaged hands wouldn't let him.

The chiefs were milling around the kitchen unaware of the boys stretched out arm, it continued to snake it's way towards its prey and struck out clamping round the plate making the pork jostle.

His arm snapped back towards him, bringing the meat with it. They both grinned delightfully, stuffing the pork steaks into their mouths eagerly, making quick work of them.

"Hey there something over there, grab that too"

Dragon jerked his head towards a large bowl of rice and prawns. Luffy nodded excitedly, throwing his arm at the next target, his hand found it's way round the meal and he brought it back to them.

They crammed that into the their jaws too, all the while fighting over the amount they got between them.

The next ten minutes was spent stealing food from a growing panicked kitchen staff, who had noticed the food disappearing. At first the cooks had accused each other, until they all had had a dish go missing and it turned into a man hunt.

"Someone's here stealing all our hard work!"

"Better catch'em before every scrap of food is gone!"

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"Better catch'em before every scrap of food is gone!"

"Spread out, the thief can't be far!"

Luffy flopped over on his back contented to have a full stomach, Dragon was eyeing the cooks with interest. Maybe he was deciding what he wanted Luffy to steal next, more food was never a bad thing.

"They noticed, we should probably get going before they find us"

The boy groaned, he didn't want to move. He was nice and full, he could have quite easily fallen asleep then and there.

Dragon prodded the pirate with his foot, attempting to get him up and Luffy just grumbled more. But eventually he rolled on to his feet drowsily, having a boot shoved into his cheek wasn't very enjoyable.

The long haired raven started leading the way out of the pantry, the kid was just behind him, still dozy from the meal he had just eaten.

The kitchen staff were in a frenzy looking for them, Luffy found it all rather funny.

"Look! Somethings in the store cupboard!"

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