Kuzan vs Dragon and Luffy

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Dragon's POV (1st person)

The rattling from the upper decks was starting to get on my nerves, the amount of times I had landed on my face...

Luffy seemed to bounce when ever he was thrown against something (maybe being made of rubber was useful after all), silly kid thought it was a blast, loud distinct laughter would follow as the world would be ripped from under our feet. Well at least one of us thought it was fun. After the fifteenth quake came and went, I screamed.

 After the fifteenth quake came and went, I screamed

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Luffy was in stitches, damn bloody kid. I wasn't really angry at him per say, I was just losing my patience with the whole situation. I just wanted to get top side, slip past in the commotion and grab a boat. But it was just one tidal wave after another, it would ram the boat with a lot of force and I would lose my footing. My nose really didn't need this abuse.

"How much farther Dra-guy, I really wanna see what's going on up there" Luffy cheered.

I sighed heavily, I didn't think we were too far from the stairs now. It was just getting to them that was the problem.

"Not far, we would be there by now if it wasn't for all this shaking!"

I complained, Luffy only grinned cheerfully in response.

No cares in the world, I wish I was so laid back. Right now everything was making me stressed!

Then a loud voice cracked out a

Oh no, I knew who's voice that belonged. We didn't have time for this, I looked up with dread in my gut. Yup, that was Kuzan staring at us with wide alarmed eyes. Of course the stupid frizzy haired brat was here. He was like the old man's shadow, always following him around. He idolized the old fart like a lot of young and fresh marines, I really couldn't understand it myself. His feet were stuck to the wooden floor, his boots were covered in a thick coat of ice in an attempt to stop himself from falling as another wave hit us.

I was thrown to the side, my ribs burned with the impact of the wall. Luffy moved to my right, stopping next to me. A frown deep set into his forehead. He offered me his hand absently, without taking his now very hard gaze off the other boy in front of us.

"This guy looks familiar"

was all Luffy uttered.

Without a word I let him pull me up and onto my feet. I couldn't believe how serious he suddenly was.

"His name is Kuzan, he's a fleet captain under the old man. He has a ice devil fruit, he's pretty good at using it too."

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