Sleepless night

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Dragon's POV

The rocking ship, accompanied by the sounds of rough waves was keeping me up, I was used to it, I had spent a good number of years stuck on Marine vessels for months at a time. But I think it had more to do with my nerves being shot, today had been stressful and long, with a lot of information being dumped on me. The conversation with Luffy last night had completely drained all of my energy, is this what it felt like to be emotionally drained?

If it was, I didn't like it.

My bed was comfy, to be honest it was almost too comfortable, my whole body sank into the mattress, I felt like I was drowning in it. Maybe having a hammock would have been better after all, I would ask Luffy to swap, yet the kid was the one who had claimed it in the first place. I guess he preferred hammocks as well.

Was I seriously worrying about beds? When we were in such a precarious situation.

Wow I must be going crazy, this is what I'm worried about. Beds? Not the literal strongest man who's ship we're on...

I knew that we weren't in any real danger, if the pirates were going to do anything, then they would done so already.

They would have locked us up, probably shackled Luffy and they wouldn't have treated our injuries.

Heck we would still be on the old geezer's ship.

Here we were, in a cabin with a place to sleep with no restraints on us, well except for the ones that I had gotten from the Marines.

It was almost too good to be true. We were okay...

Yet it didn't mean that I wasn't unnerved by the whole situation.

This just didn't feel right. It couldn't be right...

But what Luffy had said made me stop, it made me shut up and think. I trusted my boy; I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

It wasn't like we had anywhere else to go anyway. For now, we just had to stay here. Until we could get off on an island, then I could help him get back to his future.

We couldn't stay here; this was dangerous for us. The Whitebeard pirates were infamous and if we were seen associating with them, we would become infamous with them.

It wouldn't matter to the Marines, even if we weren't with them, it didn't matter if we weren't part of the crew. To them we would seen as a threat to be eradicated.

We did not need that kind of press. The sooner we got away from the Yonko's crew the better. Then we could concentrate on getting Luffy home, which would be a worry off my mind considering he couldn't keep his trap shut for two minutes.

At some point he'd blurt out something to the wrong person and the future would change.

Admittedly I was kind of part of that problem considering I had promised to change the future for him, I had promised to save his brother.

What kind of consequences would that hold?

Did I even have a right to do that?

To selfishly change the future for my not even born son, what would happen if I messed up his future too?

What if by meddling with my future and his future, I managed to completely erase the person I was so determined to help.

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