Angry tears

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Dragon's POV

I don't know how this ended up happening, all I wanted to do was see if Luffy was okay, which he was, yet here I was sitting eating dinner with Whitebeard.

As soon as Whitebeard had turned his back on me, while I was still on top deck, I bolted straight down to the Galley where the kitchen was located.

I didn't want to interact with the Yonko more than I had to. He had said that Luffy was fine, I did kind of believe him, something about the way he said it. But that could be bull-crap, he was a pirate lying was in their nature.

That didn't explain why he had let me attack him, he had taken several hits without much care.

He weirded me out, I couldn't get my head around his- attitude? Personality? Whatever it was, it confused me, made me nervous and also sort of angry too. They were strange mixture of emotions that didn't go well together.

The less time I spent near the man the better.

That was until he found me talking to Luffy, who I might add, wasn't having a good time doing kitchen duty, he was especially annoyed that he was allowed any food. I was going to lend a hand with it, when Whitebeard refused to let me. Something about it not being my punishment, helping them would defeat the whole point of it.

At this stage I had had enough of the Yonko butting in, didn't he have anything better to do that follow me round?

I was going to head back to the cabin to sleep the day's stress off and the stupid captain wouldn't let me do that either!

So that brings me back to sitting with the Yonko for dinner, I really didn't want to be here.

When I say eating dinner, I meant Whitebeard was eating and I staring at my food, because I was so damn uncomfortable, that I could not physically bring myself to actually consume anything.

The blonde man was watching me carefully, trying not to make it obvious and I probably wouldn't have noticed if he wasn't the only other person in the room with me.

It wasn't actually dinner time yet, but he was the captain, the man could do whatever the hell he wanted on his ship. If he wanted his dinner early then he was going to.

Though I had no clue why I was still here or why he had insisted on me sitting with him. Add that to the list of bizarre things this person did.

"Are you going to eat that?"

I sank deeper into my chair, hoping that I might disappear into it.

"I'm not hungry... thank you"

I muttered, turning my attention towards the kitchen door, I couldn't see anyone from here, but I could hear Luffy's loud distinct laugh.

I wonder what he's laughing at? Probably something dumb.

Sighing drearily I rested my chin on the table, closing my eyes pretending that I wasn't here, I pictured that I was back at the cabin in my bed.

What a nice thought.

"Here I thought you and your brother were bottomless pits, the amount of food you both eat puts the ships stock in danger..."

I tensed up, great was he just going complain about us, if that's all he was going to do then, why force me stay here with him.

Does he want an apology? If that's what gets me out of this situation then I'm all for it.

"I am sincerely sorry about that; we will curb our eating habits."

I put my forehead on the wooden surface of the table, bowing respectfully.
That was probably the best apology I could come up with.

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